Ch 9

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It's been a week since the clan moved to the edge of the village, they just finished construction and wanted us there as soon as possible. Of course who is still at the edge of the clan and who is still next to a forest. ME. THAT'S WHO. Racist little suckers. 

And I was now known as the poor pathetic Uchiha child that witnessed everything. They didn't want to even hear what I had to say that night. But enough of that, the interesting things come from my training. 

My mom said she would train me, but we had to prolong it because of all that's happened. 


But now she says it's time to rumble, which is where we are now in the middle of the forest, in our secret training grounds. That is open to the public, but we don't talk about that. 

"Ishi, I know you have been training your body and reading books. But you are still inexperienced and have a little too much confidence." she said. I decided to have a teenage phase at 4 and said "and how do you know that". 

"Ugh Ishi" my mom rubbed her forehead. "This kid's going to give me wrinkles" I heard her mumble. "Ishi, did you outrun 5 chunin by yourself?" she asked. "Yes. Where is this going?"

She knew all the details, 'that's not good'. "I'm not trying to say that It's not good to have confidence but..." she let it hang off. 'May I remind you that I do and do not have a god complex'. 

"They were ordered by Fugaku to not hurt you. Yes he knew that it was you" she said seeing my expression. "Damn" was all I said, 'can't show my face around him anymore'. 

"So that means that I'm not faster than a chunin," I said, hiding my expression. "Well they did say you were kinda quick. You would give a genin a run for their money" she noted. She did look worried expecting that I would be sad. 

"Oh thank the lord, I was beginning to think this would be easy," I laughed. 

She looked a little surprised, then she smiled. "Kids these days" she chuckled. "Ok now" she clapped her hands "onto business, Ishi. I will train you till you can't move. You will learn how to use your sharingan, ninjutsu but mostly taijutsu." she explained with a sadistic smile. "I know you have been reading books on the subject which is good, but you need experience." she threw something very fast at me but I still caught it. 

"Good reflexes," she mumbled. Looking down I see she threw a kunai at me, it was a little heavy. "I'm sure you know what that is right ''. I just nodded, surprised I didn't hurt myself. 

"Today right now, i'm going to teach you shurikenjutsu" she was getting too excited. I liked it. "No pain no gain" I said with a sadistic smile of my own. 

"You are my daughter. Good". 

She set up some targets and walked behind me. "Ishi, show me how you think you hold a kunai. '' I showed her and she said it was pretty good. "But you're using too much wrist, loosen up a bit". I took a breath and threw it at the target. 

To my surprise... I'm just kidding, I missed it. 

My mom gave me another one and to try again. I threw it again. It was very close but still missed. "Let's try this. What do you hate, what do you want to achieve? '' she asked. "What do I want to achieve?" I questioned, 'got it'. I threw the kunai and held my breath as I watched it fly. And it... hit. "Ha'' my mom laughed with me as we danced around in joy. After a bit my mom said she had to go and reminded me how proud she was. 

I was a little sad but glad she got to see my first hit. She left me two more kunai that made 4 in total. I went to grab the I threw and couldn't help but smile as I grabbed the kunai from the edge of the target. 

I may have not gotten the middle but I got the target on my third try, at 4 years old at that. 

After what felt like forever but was actually 15 minutes, did I hit the middle. I scratched my wrists up a bit and was a little out of breath but I was fine, and was feeling very accomplished. I tried throwing it again but I missed, "ha guess it still needs more work". 

I trained with the kunais for an hour or so before I noticed the bag my mom left me. Taking a break I looked inside the bad, and it was heavy, very heavy. There was a note on top so I read that first. It read "I know you are going to train for a while so here's some water and lunch. And these are for later in your training 2 lb weighs. Love mom". 

That explains it, "crazy lady" I chuckled. 

I took the weights out and examined them, there were two ankle weights and two wrist weights all 2 lb. 'She knew,' I thought as I put them on. 

They weren't that heavy and they didn't restrict my movement that much , it was just a little heavy. I decided to expand my stamina and strength so I jogged in circles around the forest until I was tired. That took around an hour and a half, now I was a sweating mess. 

I went back, drank all the water and ate all the lunch. After I was done I went back to kunai practice. I still had the weights on and trying to get the precise hit with the weights on was very difficult. Over the next two and a half hours I rotated from jogging around the woods to kunai practice. I only went home when it got dark out, still with the weights on I walked home. Feeling very satisfied with the progress I made, I was in a very cheerful mood. 

I was getting stronger. I could feel it, and soon I will become even stronger. But first I need some sleep, and a lot of it.

A/n Hi everyone, hope you are well and still enjoying your break. Happy new years!


I will survive (naruto fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن