Ch 55

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"So if there are any of you feel you're not in top physical condition, now's your chance to-" Another coughing fit. I swear, you better get help my guy. I'm dying watching you, and you're actually dying. How does that work?? 

"Sorry about that, as I was saying. Any of you don't feel up to this, now is the time for you to bow out. The preliminaries will be starting immediately," sheesh. 

Talk about harsh. 

"Come on! You mean right now!?" Kiba shouted. 

"We just finished barely surviving the last exam! Don't we get a break?" Apparently not Ino. 

"Man, what a drag," completely valid Shikamaru. 

"Heyyy, when do we eat?" Actually, now that food comes up. When do we eat!? Choji is right, where's the food!! 

"Um, oh ya, the winners will be determined by one on one combat, sudden death. So, like I said, if there's anyone who doesn't feel up to it, now is the time to raise your hand." 

At least he's giving them a chance. 

"It's just as I feared," I turned to Hiruzen and the little group he was in. "What do we do with him? Ibiki and Anko were all discussing Sasuke and the curse mark. 

Not sure if it's the best part, or the worst part. But if I can hear this conversation, so can Orochimaru. 

I glance at him only to find him already looking at me. 

"This is so ironic," I muttered. Ororchimaru chuckled quietly but said nothing. 

"We take him out of the exam, hand them over the black ops, and let them keep him locked up. We have to keep that seal under control." Anko was very serious about this matter. 

And she was honestly valid, as someone who knows Orochimaru, it's best not to underestimate him. 

"Oh, and he's just going to quietly go along with this, huh? Do you really think so? You're forgetting, he's of the Uchiha clan." Kakashi added. 

I sighed softly, those people just think Uchihas are arrogant and stubborn. 

And they're right. 

"I don't care what the heck he is, if he stays he's a danger to everyone! Don't you see as he gets stronger so does the curse mark! That thing is feeding off his chakra! It's a forbidden jutsu that devours the one who bears it. It's incredible the kid's still standing. By now...he should be dead. Lord Hokage!" Again, Anko has a compelling argument. 

I would have loved to see what would have happened if it wasn't for... 

Kabuto raised his hand. 

"Ok, you got me. I'm out," Kabuto has officially left the exam. 

"But Kabuto..." Naruto, my dear. You are better off without him. 

"Ummm..." he coughed. "Kabuto Yakushi of the Leaf, right? You may leave now." Kabuto smiled, "gotcha," and he walked away. 

"Kabuto, hold on a second you can't quit! I don't get this, what's going on?" Naruto, let it go. 

"Oh Naruto, I'm sorry. But my body's just too beat up, I can't hack it. Fact is, ever since orientation and crossing with the sound village team, I've had no hearing at all in my left ear. And now to have to put my life on the line, to fight again, right away without a break. I can't do it," your going to break my boy's heart when he finds out you're with Orochimaru. 

"Seems to me I've seen that one before, if memory serves, this isn't the first time he's dropped out before a battle. What kinda game is he playing?" 

Snakes, and ladders. 

He is a snake and he's trying to build up information. 

They proceeded to explain all the information on his background, and his Academy grades, and all that boring stuff. I honestly didn't pay attention because I didn't care, it was all fake anyways. 

It was all an act for him to seem less threatening than he was, for him to seem average. And he was not average, not at all. 

Hayate coughed again, "now them, does anyone else want to quit?" 


Then Sakura tried to raise her hand and Sasuke stopped her. 

So nothing good yet. 

"I'm still concerned about what Orochimaru said, allow the boy to continue with the exam for now and we'll see what happens." Good choice, because the man is right behind you. Literally right behind you! "But! Lord Hokage!" Anko tried to complain. 

"However, at the first sign of the curse mark growing or his power getting out of control, you will step in and stop it." Ibiki nodded, "right." 

Anko begrudgingly gave up, "as you wish." 

Time for a long explanation. 

"Alright then, will now begin the preliminary round. This round will consist of one on one individual combat, at full battle intensity. This is not exercise. There are 20 of you remaining so that means there will be 10 matches. The surviving candidates of those 10 matches will advance onto the third exam. As for the rules, there are none. You will fight until one dies or concedes defeat. Or is rendered physically and completely incapable of finishing the contest. Naturally, those who are losing our urge to concede defeat properly to avoid a fatal outcome. Furthermore, as prompter, I'm giving a certainty of leeway to judge the matches. I may occasionally intervene if a match seems hopeless. To save as many lives as possible. Now it's time to reveal fate has been chosen for you." 

Let's see what fate has decided? 

Haha, I could be fate if I wanted to. I could change the story completely if I wanted to. 

But I don't. 

And for good reason too.

A/n I am so tired. That's all. Time for sleep!!! Enjoy~

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