Ch 44

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"Are you enjoying taking my chakra, Hitori?" 

How did he find out? 

How did this happen? 

"Smart girl, but not good enough to fool me." 

I need to get out of here. 


I looked behind me to see that Kabuto had blocked the door. Damn, I was wondering what he was doing this whole time. I looked at Orochimaru, he was smiling at me the whole time. But the malicious undertone was enough to know that he wasn't happy. 

"When did you come up with the idea?" 

I didn't move an inch. He had me in his trap. I was trapped with this monster. 

"Was it when I wanted to know about chakra baths?" His hand slowly went down to my neck, giving my shivers that would haunt my dreams. 

"Or was it beforehand? Did you plan this all along?" He didn't choke me, but he did slightly squeeze my neck. 

A threat. 

"Answer me." I swallowed slowly in fear. 

There were two options. I live, or I die. I chose the latter. 

"It was in the moment," the truth. I didn't even think it would work this long. But still, I did get caught. 

Orochimaru hummed in thought, "an idea in the spur of the moment, huh." 

Orohcimaru's hand started to cut off my airway. 


I grabbed his wrist with my hands, a bit of panic settling in me. 

"I'm curious, how much of my chakra is in you." I gasped as the grip got stronger. 

"It was a smart plan. Get me interested in chakra baths, then slowly take my chakra, and make it your own without my knowledge." He sneered at me, "such a beautifully annoying plan." 

I couldn't breathe. 

I tried to get his hand off my neck. I scratched his arm. I tried to kick him. I tried everything! But it didn't work. Nothing worked. 

I looked at him with pleading eyes, I didn't want to die here. 

I wanted to live. 

I wanted to survive. 

But he only smirked in response. He laughed at my desperate attempts at begging. 

He laughed... at me dying. 

I saw my life flash before my eyes. I saw the Uchiha massacre. I saw Shisui. I saw Obito. I saw Itachi. My mom. My dad. Naruto. My home. All up in flames. 

I had lost everything, just to gain more and then lose more than before. 

I felt the feeling come back... 


The sadness... 


The rage... 


The hatred... 



I glared at Orochimaru, a scowl on my face. 

"I like that look..." 

I looked him in the eyes as I activated my Sharingan. Orochimaru's smile faltered, he wasn't expecting that. I used the last of my strength to jump over his arm holding my neck, breaking it. 

Orochimaru choked back a scream while I fell on the floor, gasping for air. 

Kabuto slowly walked over to me, I was still on the ground coughing. He looked down at me for a few seconds, then he went over to Orochimaru to heal his broken arm. 

I finally caught my breath, and I stood up. I took one last deep breath before I walked to Orochimaru. He was sitting on the ground, a smile on his face. No indication that he just had his arm broken. 

"Hitori, who are you?" 

I glared down at him, his smile widened.

I chuckled in my head, "hell is called living Orochimaru, I have learned that". 

It looked like the gears were spinning in his head, he took a moment to remember who I was. He kept silent before he realized who I was. 

"You were that child at the cemetery" he licked his lips, "Ishi Uchiha". 

I frowned, I haven't heard anyone say my name in years. 

"You are correct," how I wish I had a kunai. I would kill him where he sat. Orochimaru smirked, "I wasn't going to kill you." 

He is fucking lying. 

"But I'm definitely not killing you now." I scoffed, "what makes you think I'll stay?" 

Orochimaru stood up, he had a towel on this whole time. It made the situation more creepy. 

"Because you still have plans, and why switch them up when they are set in stone." 

This snake... 

"Fine, you're right." I bent down to his level, "but if you ever try anything, I will put you in a genjutsu that you'll never be able to escape." Orochimaru's smile faltered again, I know he still remembers when Itachi did that to him. "Alright, Ishi." I hate him saying my name. I sighed, "keep to the plan, let's see this through." Kabuto stood up and moved towards me. I stepped back, he stopped. "I'm just checking your neck," I frowned but let him. He gingerly started touching my neck, seeing if anything was wrong. "It's just bruised, put ice on it." I rolled my eyes and went out of the room and to mine. I have to deal with him knowing I'm an Uchiha now. 


A/n Next chapter is when Part 1 of Naruto starts! I'm so happy! Thank you all for staying and reading my book! Enjoy~

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