Ch 15

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"Remember Ishi, using a handheld fan as a weapon is often associated with grace, class, elegance, and an air of mystery. We, the Lady of war, are as lethal as everyone else. How the fan is weaponized varies.

Sometimes, the edges are razor sharp; other times, its ribbing is composed of daggers; lastly, the fan might not be sharp at all but will have solid steel ribbing, making it a blunt weapon. No matter how you use it, it is very dangerous. Don't play with it, do you understand".

My mother wasn't one to scold, but I had hurt myself when I was trying to do some tricks. My mom patched me up and was saying I should stay home for a few days. The wound wasn't bad, but it might scar.

When everything was back to normal, my mom came up to me. "Sweetie, why were you practicing so hard with the fan?" It was a stupid reason.

"Some of the other clan kids were being jerks, it pissed me off badly" Kakashi was right, they were just kids. Rude ones, but their parents were probably feeding bad stuff into their innocent minds.

"What did they say?" My mom was understanding, she was willing to listen. She had a look of sadness, understanding and unease. She must have been bullied too.

"They pushed me on the ground calling me" I count my fingers as I tell her, "Freak, a half-blood traitorous weakling and they said I belong in Nigeru village".

Honestly, it doesn't hurt me that much. Because it was kids who said it and freak is a terrible insult, the other two just make no sense.

"Oh..." my mom looked very angry, I saw she was trying to calm down but it wasn't working. "What do the other insults mean?" I asked, she remembered I was in the room, it looked like she was in her own world.

"Well..." she was hesitant to tell me something. "You're too young to know one of them, but I'll tell you about Nigeru village" good enough.

"Nigeru village or runaway village is a rhyme that came round the leaf village around your great grandmother's time" Family history, making a mental note.

My mom sighs "I'm guessing they only told you the beginning?" Beginning? How would I know there's more?

"Can you tell me all of it?" I asked, this wasn't in the story. I'm very curious about this new development.

"Sure, it's... Runaway, runaway.

A fugitive or worthless.

Unwanted by anyone.

Unloved by someone.

Between fire and sound.

A secret lies.

It is where the lost is found.

And where the found become lost".

Oh, "that was... nice?" I don't know how I should feel about it. "It is a little catchy but those kids used it as an insult, so it's not nice".

My mom left shortly after, she was still in a bad mood. More time alone again... alone again.

Anyway, I found another ninjutsu that is academy level. But this one is more advanced. It's Fire style; Flaming palm jutsu. I'm so excited. The description is this jutsu allows the user to hold the made spark in their hand. They then amplify it with their chakra until it is a small flame.

By mimicking the gentle fist style, they push the flame into their opponent, causing clothes to light, or minor burns on the body.

Cool right. And I did it right on my first try.

Surprising but it did make me have a god complex moment. "Wow" I say with a small fire on my hand. It's warm, but it's not burning. It was beautiful. I tried to touch it with my other hand but it was hot.

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