Ch 14

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My birthday has passed and I am now five years old. Sheesh, I have been here for five years, FIVE.

Not much has happened, just my mom running around a lot and my dad being so proud of her. She is a bit of an adrenaline junkie, but she's my mom. And since she could now go on missions she leaves the house a lot, so the time of my practicing with her is over.

But that's fine because I am now quite good at dancing with fans. Mom never taught me how to fight with fans, but that doesn't mean I can't teach myself. But that is for later.

A funny thing that has happened is that things I didn't notice before, I do now. Like how I only wear one outfit, a high collared dark blue long-sleeved shirt, and black shorts. I like the outfit but how did I just notice this now? Everyone in the Uchiha clan wears a high collared shirt with dark pastels. It's like we have a dress code, no we do have a dress code. "Hehe" I chuckled to myself.


It's been super quite the past few months, way too quiet. Mom has been going on missions like it's her reason for living so she isn't here a lot. Dad has been missing her a lot, but he puts that energy into the bakery. So I'm alone most of the time.

I'm reading and training and eating and I'M SO BORED. 'Oh my god, something happen please' I was so done with this. I'm going on a walk. Dad wasn't even home, and mom has been gone for 2 days.

The walk didn't even help, I was still bored. I was walking down the street hoping that my boredom would pass when I saw Shikamaru's father Shikaku looking distressed.

Walking over I saw that he was shopping... for baby clothes.

And that a baby was in a baby sling... baby Shikamaru was in a sling.

And he was just so cute. "Hey Mr. Nara," I greeted, "you're that kid, how are you doing?" He said, "good, you need some help?" He sighed "do you know anything about baby stuff?" he asked, like he knows more than me "well I can see a first time father" I joked, "what a drag" he laughed.

"That's good enough, give me your opinion". I spent a full hour helping this man find out if Shikamaru would like plain colours or not, what formula should he pick and more. And for someone so smart, he was really clueless (more like nervous).

"That should do it" he said, "thanks for the help, do you want something from me" he asked, I hummed 'do I want something from him'. "I don't really need anything so I think I'm fine" I answered smiling. "What a drag" he sighed, "you seem ok with kids, you wanna be a babysitter when you're older?" he asked again.

Why not, "sure, seems like fun. How much though?" money, money, money. "I will be fair," he said, "I will take your word".

I waved goodbye and found a clock, it was almost time. Going toward the academy, I waited in front of the entrance and waited for the school day to end. Today was Itachi's last day at the academy and first day as a genin. The bell rang and academy students flooded out the door, but I was only looking for one person.

"Itachi," I yelled, running in for a tackle hug. He dogged me but I was ready for that and went for a second time. He also dogged that, "jerk" I whined.

"Public" he shrugged, "anyway congrats on passing!" I finally hugged him. "I didn't even tell you if I passed" was he stupid for thinking I am to stupid, yes. I gave him a 'really' look "did anyone think you weren't going to pass?" I asked him.

"You're right" he noted, I chuckled. "Oh and before your dad gets here, have a present" I showed him someone that instantly made him smile, dango. "You know me so well" he laughed before eating it.

His dad showed up right when he was done. "Itachi, good job my son" Fugaku praised, "Ishi, thanks for keeping him company" Fugaku nodded before walking away with Itachi. Itachi waved and left with his dad. I was a little sad, why did they suddenly leave.

Was there something that happened without me knowing?

This thought wouldn't leave my head so I trained until it left. Walking back home, I was suddenly stopped by a few of the Uchiha clan children.

"Hey there freak" a boy said, 'wtf' I gave them the most confused face I have made in my life.

''Ya, are you ignoring us freak" a girl said this time, I just looked at them, 'am I getting bullied?'

I am so confused.

"Stop ignoring us freak", one of them pushed me on the ground, and I snapped out of my confused transe.

"Hey, what was that for?" Why are kids so nasty?

"It's because we don't want a half-blood traitorous weakling like you in the clan" are they stupid.

I kind of want to laugh, would it be in irony or the weirdness of the situation. "Ya freaks like you should go to Nigeru village" one of them said. Wait what? "What is Nigeru village?" I asked, I never heard this in the original.

"Ha, it is a village that you belong in" they said. What the hell???

"Runaway, runaway. A fugitive or worthless. Unwanted by anyone. Unloved by someone. That's what you are" they chanted, are they possessed?

Should I be scared?

Wait. They just insulted me? They insulted me- THOSE BASTARDS!

"Hey! What is your problem! Leave me alone!" I'm five years old physically, I can deck you brats.

"We don't want a freak like you in the clan" the boy said, we weren't even in clan grounds, we were outside in public. When they started chanting freak again I was so close to committing war crimes that I didn't notice someone behind me.

"Hey there children, that's not a nice thing to say", I looked behind me and Might guy was there. "You children are Overflowing youth!! You shouldn't bully other kids" while he was scolding them I was glaring hatefully at them.

How dare they.

"Hey, is that all you're going to do?" I was dead serious. Might Guy looked at me curiously "yes? They are just immature kids". I turned my glare at him "these immature kids, didn't just make 'fun' of me, they insulted me. They terribly insulted me."

He put on a smile "you're right, they did. Apologies to this little girl" the bullies glared at him

"no way"
"why should I"

I glare at them "you know what. I'm going to make you sorry" I walked over to one of them but before I could get to them Might Guy grabbed my shoulder "violence isn't the answer, calm down". 

I turn my head to him "Let. Go", he didn't let go. 

"Calm. Down" a guy said in front of me. It was Kakashi. "Why should I" I asked. 

Why should I let them go?! 

"Because you're a kid," Kakashi answered. 

For some reason, that calmed me down. But just a bit, "are they going to just get a warning" I mocked him. "They are, like you they are also just kids" Kakashi was serious. 

I frowned at him "fine" I walked away. But they followed me. I turned to look at them and Might guy waved at me. I raised a brow and just kept walking home. I calmed down completely when I was home. "You want to come in?" I asked them, Might Guy seemed to be fine with it but Kakashi shook his head. "Your parents wouldn't like it, are they home?" He looked around my house. "No they are not," I answered. "Shame, bye" Kakashi turned around and left, Might Guy right behind him. 

I chuckled a bit, he was right, who's parents would like random teens with their 5 year old. 

"These people" I went inside and took a nap. I exhausted myself today.


New chapter, who you like! <3

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