Ch 18

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Fugaku brought me to his house the next day after I was found on the Hyuga territory. I knew it would be an awkward and uncomfortable talk. 

And I was right. 

Itachi knocked on my door around 6 pm, without anyone even getting a notice. "Hello, would you mind if Ishi has dinner with us tonight?" I am behind my parents so they can't see my face, but Itachi can. I give him a wtf face. 

"What are you doing?" I ask him without speaking. I know he can read my lips. But the little jerk ignores it. 

"Oh? Well this is a little sudden but sure" my mom and dad both looked at each other in confusion but allowed me to go. As I walked with Itachi back to his place I questioned everything that just happened. 

"What was that about?" 

"What are you thinking?" 

"Are you for real?" 

I was so confused. Itachi just listened to me with a calm smile on his face the whole time, not saying one word. I entered his house with him, not one of my questions answered. I walk down the hall until we stop in front of a room. 

"My father wants to talk with you" he opened the door and pushed me inside. My dumbfounded expression turned to horror as I realized Itachi led me to my death without telling me. 

Fugaku was sitting down in front of me while my face was still horrified. "Can I smack your son?" I didn't even care that Fugaku was the clan head, I was telling him what I'll do. 

Not asking him. 

"No" he answered simply, he wasn't mad, he wasn't amused. He just answered. 

"Can you hit him?" Now I was asking. "I won't" he again, answered simply. 

I just frowned "don't let him eat dango for a week". He hummed in thought, "I could do that" I raise a brow, "you will?" He rolled his eyes "no". 

I sighed loudly and sat down in front of him, "your son is killing me". He nodded "Itachi tends to show his sarcastic side to you" I looked at him in surprise, "you know about that". He shakes his head, "not really, I know Itachi is more open with you" I nodded slowly. 

Interesting, I am terrified now. 

"Let's get to the point sir, Itachi said there will be food. But now that I know that was a trap, I would like to get this over with" I wasn't interested in idle chat when food was promised but not delivered. 

Fugaku hummed in agreement "alright, let's discuss why I brought you here." I crossed my legs and put on a serious face. This is Fugaku Uchiha, the leader of the Uchiha clan. And also, one of the people who are going to try to overthrow the village. 

"I make it my mission to know who is a valuable resource and a useful companion. You have shown the criteria to have my attention. At your young age, you have shown the true heart and soul of an Uchiha. But the question is, what are your intentions?" I stare into his eyes in thought. 

He was seriously assessing me right now. I won't lie, I didn't try to keep a low profile but has it come to this? I had definitely underestimated these people. 

"I don't know what you're talking about" I smile slightly to try to ease the tension. 

"Don't play dumb, I know you're smart" I narrowed my eyes. "Oh?" I leaned forward, now interested in this new development. 

"While you are childish, I know you understand everything that's happening" Fugaku crossed his arms, his relaxed demeanor from before is gone. Everything is replaced with that charisma that makes Fugaku the leader of the Uchiha clan. 

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