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"I remember you." I turned my head to look towards Teresa who stared at me. "And she speaks."

"I remember you." She repeated and I nodded smiling towards her. "Yeah I figured you would sooner or later." I told her knowing WICKED were trying to get her memory back.

"You were my friend." She told me and I nodded sighing. "Were." Past tense. Great.

"Yeah I know. We made quite the pair." I told her and she was actually the only one who was quite comfortable with me. I guess she remembers our friendship.

"Yeah we did." She smiled. I don't think I ever saw her smile. There were a few rare moments but those were rare.

"I also remember you two." She whispered in my ear looking towards Minho and there was no point denying it. "So do I."

"I remember you and Thomas. God you never admitted that you loved the stupid idiot. Three words, eight letters. How hard was it." I groaned still annoyed to this day.

"You still act the same." She told me and I smiled to that. "Why thankyou. I was starting to think I lost my flavour."

"What are you two bickering about?" Newt asked me and we both shut our mouths grinning at each other. "Girls are dangerous dude. Just leave it." Fry warned him and I chuckled to his comment.

"They are. I would know." That's the first freaking word I heard from Aris. "Still can't believe this shank got the maze full of girls. Him out of everyone."

Minho said quite annoyed and I rolled my eyes towards him. "Maybe they knew that Aris is respectful and would actually know how to act in front of a sixty girls instead of you." I fired at him.

"Right because you know so much about the opposite sex." Minho bickered and I raised my brow at him.

"You'd be suprised I was in lov- I lived with them for practically all my life." I saved my self on that one. I think.

"That's surprising, if you spent all your life with guys how come you still don't have one?" He asked me and I was taken back by that. Technically he knows we've both subconsciously slammed each other. Right?

"Maybe because the ones I've met are complete assholes who need to learn respect." I argued and I think this is getting quite personal.

"Hey!" Newt and fry got offended.

"And maybe I need to meet one who isn't a lying backstabbing-" oh he really wants to go there.

"Hey I'm right here!" Teresa also got offended to Minhos comment.

"Great well tell me when you find one. Because I'm sure that backstabbing bitch is also the one who saved your ass." I may have raised my voice a little...just a little.

I swear we were just fine a second ago.

"Well maybe she shouldn't of got us in this mess in the first place. I mean you worked with them, you put us through hell technically this is all your god damn fault!" He raised his voice a whole lot louder though.

"How many times do I have to repeat I didn't have a choice! I either helped them or got killed!" I raged back.

"Maybe your better of dead."

Everything fell silent and I stopped at my steps looking straight in his eyes to see him caught up in his words and the entire group stopped starring at us all to.

"Okay let's just break this up for a second." Newt said coming in between me and Minho trying to ease the tension.

I feel like as soon as Minho was put in that dreadful maze. He was a new person. I just hand t accepted that. I also hadn't accepted that he didn't feel the same way about anything because he was this new person.

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