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"Ms. Solana?"

"Is she listening to us?"

"Athena!" My father's voice snapped me back into reality.

"Sorry, I zoned out a bit." I shook my head. "I have a lot of visions for S & W that I would like to propose in a couple of days."

"In a couple of days?" The marketing executive, Adam, furrowed his eyebrows. "Not to be demanding, but we expected you to have a proposal today. We need something to brand you as for when we announce you as the CEO."

"And she has something prepared. Don't you Athena?"

"I have an idea."

"Go ahead."

"S & W were known for being a brand for older and mature people. I want to go the complete opposite. I want to cater to young people." Athena smiled.

"But that's S & W's brand, we cant change our idea if that's how we came up." Kacey, the creative director spoke.

"Yes, but as we can see, these ideas aren't very effective. I took a look at the stocks and sales and they haven't been that great." I shook my head.

S & W was a luxury clothing brand that started in the early nineties. It was popular for its twenty years, I can recall where I went into my mother's closet to try on her fancy coats. But since the twenty-tens hit, they've been struggling to get that same glorious hype.

Celebrities weren't advertising for them. They needed something fresh and new.

"If you want to save this, then trust me when I say, it's time for a change. We can still design beautiful coats and other clothes, but we have to bring them down to the targeted audience. I have many celebrity friends who happily endorse the new S & W"

"She has a point." Adam nodded. "But what are we going to do about these lifelong customers, we can't lose them."

"Correct. This is why all of the old and popular design will be known as our vintage section."

The room fell silent. I looked around the room before continuing to speak.

"Write this down as my statement Adam. Out with the old, in with the new." I smiled.

My dad and I walked down the busy streets of New York drinking coffee.

"I'm proud of you, ladybug." He pulled me into a hug. "I knew you could win them over."

I smiled at the former nickname. I looped my arm with his and snuggled closer to him. He kissed me on the forehead and smiled. For a second I saw the old him. It gave me a warm feeling and a sense of comfort.

"We should hang out more often, dad."

"Just great." I hear him groan.

I looked up to see the paparazzi taking a dozen of pictures. I rolled my eyes in annoyance that they broke this rare moment between my father and me. He removed his arm and pulled out his phone.

"Athena, show us the ring!"

"Athena! When's the wedding?"

"Athena, why did you still Tobias away from his girlfriend!"

Girlfriend. Who was this girlfriend of his?

"Hold up the ring and smile." My father mumbled while waiting for his phone call to be answered.

I held my hand up, showing the ring. Immediately, the camera clicks went off as they snapped every moment they could. I looked to the side to see the sleek black car and smiled. My father and I both walked towards it and got in.

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