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We sat, waiting for the news. Waiting to find out if my brother was alive or dead. Tobias held me tight, I couldn't stop myself from crying.

I glanced over at Eros. His eyes were bloodshot red. He looked at the ground while shivering. I was sad. But most importantly, I felt guilty.

Anteros did this for me. He went in there for me and got hurt. And now he could be...

Athena don't think that way.

I sighed. I felt Tobias kiss the top of my head.

"Oh my God. I'm here." Valeria hurried in. "Why didn't y'all tell me at the party?"

Eros broke down crying.

"Ah, mi amor." Valeria rushed to his side. She hugged him. "My baby, it's okay. It's okay, Anteros is a fighter, he'll fight. I promise."

"You don't know." Eros managed to say. "My brother man, my twin. I can't do this without him. I can't."

I sunk deeper into Tobias' chest.

"The doctors aren't telling me anything. No matter how much I threaten." Beverly walked in. "Can I grab you guys something?"

I remained quiet. I felt sick. So sick. This was my fault, this was all my fault. I got Anteros shot. He was just trying to help me.

"Where's my son." Kaelyn walked in. "Where is my baby boy!"

"Kaelyn," I said.

"Stand up girl." She grabbed me by my arm and pulled me up. "You! This is your fault! You stupid girl!"

She cried.

"You are the reason my son is hurt! You should have sat your stupid self down and out of my business! Yet you sent my son! My son! You got my son shot!" She shook me. "I hate you! I hate you! Why my boy huh? Why not you!"

She sobbed.

"You get your hands off of her." Beverly harshly removed her hand. "You get your hand off of my girl!"

"Excuse you." Kaelyn sniffed.

"I said get your hands off of her. You won't push her around and you won't blame her. I won't allow you to do it." Beverly angrily said. "So either leave or act civil. We are all hurt by this not just you so stop acting like it."

I'd never seen her so serious, but it warmed my heart that she stuck up for me.

"Let's go get some air." Tobias grabbed my arm.

I nodded and we walked out of the waiting room. I sighed.

"It's not your fault."

"It is. I just got right with them and if Anteros dies, I lose Eros." I cried. "I can't lose them both. Oh, Tobias, I-"

He pulled me in a hug. I broke down.

"Kaelyn is right. It's my fault. We made this plan to get some information and someone shot him while doing it. He was doing it to protect me and he-"

"It's not your fault and Kaelyn will never be right. She risked her children's lives by getting involved with all of this stuff. It's her fault. She's to blame."

"My mother, she hates me." I shook my head.

"Fuck your mother. You never needed her and you never will."

I remained quiet. We released from our hug.

"I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too. We should go back, I don't wanna leave Eros."

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