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"So. Valeria, Bia, Kacey, and did you contact Jazlyn?" Beverly questioned.

I nodded. "Actually. I was thinking that Lotus could be my bridesmaid. It would be weird for Jazlyn to be in it, I haven't talked to her in almost a decade."

"That would be nice!" Beverly smiled. "So. The groomsmen will line up. Then the bridesmaids' will walk down the aisle."

"What about flower girls and a ring barrier? I have no family." I shook my head.

"Tobias has some younger cousins. They'll be perfect." Beverly nodded while eating her fries. "So. How have you been holding up?"

"I don't know." I shook my head. "I've been swarmed with paparazzi about my mother. I try to do press for my fashion show, but I just keep getting asked about her."

"I don't know why she would do that. It was selfish and unlike her."

"I want to talk to her and see why, but she's a stranger to me Beverly." I shook my head. "I don't know her."

"I know baby." She grabbed my hand.

"I wanted to meet her so bad. I wanted her to come out of hiding and be my mom, but I don't even want to look at her."

"Maybe talk to her and ask why she did what she did. Kaelyn isn't selfish, she had to have a motive."

"Maybe she changed." I shrugged.

"Maybe." She sighed. "I want you to do something for me?"


"For one day, be you."

"What do you mean?"

"Athena, I can see in your eyes how much hurt you've been through. So for one day. You're not the daughter of Kaelyn Solana who disappeared. You're not the fiancé of Tobias Landon. You aren't the mistreated best friend of Kelsey Mandé. You're Athena Solana. Take a day to discover that." She squeezed my hand.

I smiled. "You're right. I feel like I don't know myself. I've placed my identity on all of these things that aren't me."

She nodded. "I went on this retreat at the beginning of your engagement and it truly changed me. I'll send you the info."

"Cool. Thank you."


"What's cooking good-looking?"

"I'm not cooking anything, just doing inventory to see what I need to buy," Kaleb mumbled while writing something down. "But, your boo left you flowers."

"He did?" I questioned.

A bouquet of lilies sat on the counter. I smiled while picking them up.

"These are so cute." I pouted while reading the card. "He wants to take me on a date."

Kaleb winked.

"You knew! Where is it?" I jumped up and down.

"Lips sealed. But Tobias told me to tell you, wear something fancy."

I squealed. "This is my first real date."

"Well go get sexy!"

I was nervous. Very nervous. It took me a long time to find an outfit. I even had to call Valeria to give me some insight.

Tobias has seen me in my night clothes with my hair dis-shelved. Why was I so adamant about looking perfect.

Maybe it was because this was our first time seeing each other as fiancée and fiancé.

I stared at myself in the mirror analyzing every detail. I was nervous. This was Tobias and I's first time going on a date. A real date.

I fluffed up my hair and pushed the stray curls out of the way.

"You look fine," Valeria said.

"Are you sure?" I questioned while doing a twirl in front of the phone. "I'm so nervous Val."

"Don't be, you look hot!" Valeria exclaimed. "You have to call me back after the date and tell me how everything goes."

"I will!"

"Alright, Bonita. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye." I smiled before hanging up the phone.


"I've never been here before." I smiled while looking at the skyline. "I'm kind of nervous."

Tobias took me on a dinner date on a sky lift. We sat above the city. I was scared, but my wine eased my nerves.

"I have never been on a date before so this is special." I smiled while sipping my wine. "Thank you."

Tobias smiled. "The pleasure is all mine. How was lunch with my mother?"

"It was nice. We talked about many things." I eyed the food that sat on the table. "This looks so delicious."

"It does." He picked up his utensils.

Every time I saw him, my mind flashed back to the night of the show. My stomach swarmed with butterflies and my cheeks grew hot.

"So." I started. "I..."


"I really want to try this, Tobias. Like us, a couple. I mean technically we are, but I mean for real." I rambled. "Only if you want to, you know. I mean if I'm moving fast just let me know."

He chuckled.

"Sorry if it's too fast, I know we shared a moment and I'm not demanding you to actually be with me because we did, but-"

"Athena." He softly said. "I want to try this too, love."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Really?"

"That's why I took you out, you beat me to the punch." He smiled. "I'm excited."

"I am too."

"So. Besides your mother, how's the feedback about your show?"

"Great, surprisingly. We've been getting calls from many managers about their clients wearing some of the clothes at awards shows."

"That's amazing. You deserve it."

I smiled.

"Can I ask you something?" He started.

I nodded.

"You said you've never been in a relationship, can I ask why?" He stopped. "Well, what was holding you back?"

"I've always been scared. I didn't allow myself to catch feelings for someone. When your father is the first man to break your heart, you kinda lose all trust for men." I sighed. "But I've realized that building walls up, won't protect me."

He thought to himself.

"I let myself fall for you, and honestly I'm scared as shit." I chuckled. "But I trust you. I don't know what it is about you, but I just trust you."

"I love being around you, Athena. Coming home to you and watching you laugh and joke is the highlight of my day. I'd never do anything to lose that. Ever."

I looked down at my lap while smiling.

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