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I stared at the box of records that sat on the floor. I wanted to burn them, but part of me wanted to find out the real truth and view them. I believed Beverly, but what if she was saving herself?

I took off the lid and picked up the first paper.

I, Beverly Landon, and I, Brooks Landon Jr, agree to the arrangement of Tobias Landon and Brooks Landon III with any female offspring of the Solana family.

Our arrangement had already been set in stone. But why? Why was our family so adamant about us marrying each other. What were they hiding?

"Athena?" Tobias questioned while knocking on the door.

"Uh, one sec!" I exclaimed while placing the papers back. I put on the lid and pushed the box back under my bed. "Come in."


"Not at all."

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the grocery store with me."

"The grocery store? Is Kaleb sick?"

"No, but from time to time, I like to do my own shopping."

"Oo! Ive never been to the grocery store before, this should be so much fun."


"Please let me push the cart. Please, please, please." I begged while walking to the row of carts.

"Yes, you can push it." Tobias chuckled. He pulled one out before pushing it in front of me. "I have a list of things to get."

"Wow." I said as we walked in. I slowly pushed the cart while looking around. "This is just like the movies."

"I can't believe you've never been to a grocery store, like I'm actually shocked."

"Ive never been able to do regular things. I don't even know how to drive."

"You don't?"

"Nope." I shook my head. "Okay, whats first?"

"Eggs and dairy." Tobias instructed.

"How are you supposed to know where to go?"

"There a signs, look up."

I looked up and gasped. "Dairy and eggs, lets go!"

I quickly hurried towards the isle with Tobias on my trail. I stopped in front the fridge and smiled.

"So many types." I thought to myself.

"I like one-percent milk." Tobias reached in the fridge. He placed the milk in the cart before pointing towards the eggs. "Eggs."

"Wow." I pushed the cart over.

"Like a kid in a candy store." Tobias chuckled.

"Hey!" I playfully tapped him. "Which one?"

"The brown ones in the clear container."

I picked it up and placed it in the cart. "What's next? I like this, it's like a scavenger hunt."

"Onions." He smiled.


"I had so much fun."

"At the grocery store?" Tobias questioned while placing the pot on the stove.

"Yes." I nodded. "Seeing like food come like that. It's amazing. I sound sheltered."

"No I understand. I never shopped on my own until I went to college."

"So. What's on the menu, chef?" I questioned while thing my hair into a bun. "Pasta? Steak? Chicken."


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