5 - Kidnapping? Never heard of it. Mannapping? What in the fuck is that?

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This night was annoying as shit.

Why shouldn't he just give up the café?

He just wanted some sleep for now, however.

Work was tiring today.


Tommy decided to fucking pass out on his bed in the morning.

Although he may have had some rest when that hero just put him to sleep by resting their fingers against his forehead like a fucking avatar he still was wiped out.


Why does life have to be so miserable?

He could only question, but not now.


I don't know why don't you fucking ask the sleeping figure on the bed?

These were for another day.

In the evening, perhaps.


It was 8:23 and Tommy was doing the usual.

Wiping down the café counters became his sort of OCD.

What else is better to do, anyways?

He can't do shit right now.

He slammed his head on his arms, which were resting on the counter.

Life has really reaches its limits of boredom.

He just wishes that someone interesting could drop by or that something rare happens to him.

Then he felt a cloth against his face.

Looks like his wish would be granted today.

He heard a voice muttering a few words, but he couldn't process them as he was in a life/threatening situation.

He couldn't focus.

He struggled to get out of the person's grip, but he eventually fell unconscious.

The masked figure then snatched poor Tommy up and made a dramatic exit.

Shame no one but the cameras would see it.

The figure then ducked into the alleyways, escaping from the petite café they had just emerged from.


Tommy woke up to find himself blindfolded and completely tied up against a chair.

Aha, classic villain move, he thought.

But what would criminals or villains want to do with him?

He could only ponder.

But he decided not to as his brain's thought schedule is pretty cut out for him.

tommy's standard life behind a coffee counter.Where stories live. Discover now