22 - Strange Serum, Frenzying Friends.

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AN: The moment i was abt to start writing again was when forgelabs posted


He needed to plan an escape.

His eyes cautiously darted around the room to find nothing but a vent.

The vent was high up, but tommy thought he may be able to reach it using the mattress of his 'bed'.

He needed something to unscrew the bolts in its corners, then he'll be able to crawl out.

He wondered what though.


Tommy simply sat on his bed, waiting.

He was plotting, unbeknownst the scientists.

He decided upon the idea where when they were to enter and presumably 'drag him away' or do something to him, he'd attack them and there.

He would take what they had on them, maybe even disguise as one of them.

Then he would escape.

However, this failed.

The door clicked open and Tommy didn't move yet.

He simply acted to daze into the distance.

"T-33-2? That must be you.." The scientist hummed, proceeding to grab a syringe from his tray.

Tommy then shot to the scientist's direction, tackling them to the ground.

The scientist had still managed to get an arm loose, and called for backup.

That little shit.

Their tag read 'Professor NG", and he made a mental note to put the fucker on his hit-list.

Guards swarmed the room, pinning Tommy to the ground.

Tommy struggled, trying to break free.

However any slight movement he made ended in being tazed.

Tazing their subjects was new.

Back then they used darts to knock them unconscious if they did something they weren't meant to.

"Quite the aggressive shit you are, aren't you?" 'NG' hissed, getting up and grabbing his syringe.

"Fuck you." Tommy spat, still trying to break free ((only to be electrocuted again.))

"I will make you pay, just you wait." He snarled.

The professor started to cackle, "Don't make me laugh."

He then walked closer towards Tommy, injecting the strange serum into his body.

Tommy gasped.

The serum was a bubbly red, and quite painful in the body at that.

"Let it go now, I need to test it's reactions." The scientist said, swaying his hand.

The guards let go of the body, getting closer to the professor in attempt of protection.

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