8 - Crowfather's Children

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oh boy here comes chat


He decided to use the feather as some sort of jewellery.

He made it into a necklace while waiting for customers, then wearing it.

Besides, what was he going to do with it anyways?

It currently has no use other than being the more ancient version of a knife with an enchantment.

It'll serve its purpose as a weapon, for self defence.

He needed a new self-defence mechanism anyways, other than using his body to defeat his offender.

He may have not noticed, but a certain crow was watching by, reporting news of the boy and his actions.

The avian was nearby.


Tommy was simply sitting by the counter, tapping on the quartz used for the countertop.

He hadn't really noticed, but outside a murder had started to gather, crows from elsewhere coming towards his location, staring at the boy as if he was some zoo attraction.

Tommy heard something bash against the window.

He turned to the left to see a crow's face implanted onto the glass.

He couldn't help but cackle.

The murder scattered once the bell rang.

He went outside and helped the bird that seemed to be stuck in the glass, allowing it to roam free.

The crow didn't leave however.

It simply perched on Tommy's wrist.

Tommy was confused.

"You're curious, aren't you? You seem very brave. How come you aren't running away?" Tommy asked, inspecting the bird.

The bird proudly preened itself, and cawed.

It then fluttered it's wings, perching on his head.

Tommy laughed, re-entering the café.

He didn't close the door, however, in case if the bird wanted to leave.

It didn't, and it flew towards the counter.

Tommy followed the crow there, sitting back onto his chair.

He engaged in a measly conversation with the bird, the crow simply listening as if it understood.

He rambled on about everything he wanted to let go, and how he was concerned on people mysteriously vanishing whenever he searches for them.

He also went on about his origins, and how he was made in a lab.

Yeah, maybe he went too loose.

He also discussed his adoptive parents' deaths, and how he grieved about his mother.

He claimed that he disliked his father, as he had mistreated him at various times.

The bird, as if angry, started cawing madly, then immediately melting when tommy patted its head.

"You seem very trusting for a bird. Strange, isn't it?" Tommy rambled, thinking about the possibilities on why it trusts him so much.

Was it because he was avian?

His chatter ended when he heard the bell ring.

There was a brunette, chocolate eyes adorned with glasses, wearing a yellow sweater.

He walked up to the counter and ordered.

"Welcome to Innit's Café, what would you like?" Tommy smiled, glancing at the crow staring intently at the brunette.

"I'd like a latte to go, please." He smiled back, then staring at the crow.

He then patted the crow.

"Where did this guy come from?" He asked, interested in the crow.

"Not sure, he just flew into my window and I brought the fella in." Tommy responded, brewing a coffee.

The guy muttered something to the crow.

Tommy couldn't quite catch it.

Tommy then handed the brunette his latte.

"Thanks." He smiled

Tommy grinned.

Before the man went through the door, he asked something.

"What's your name?" He asked, still smiling.

"Tommy. Tommy Innit."

"Nice to meet you, Tommy." He smiled, then leaving the door.

Tommy then returned to the counter, wiping it down.

The crow pecked at his hand.

"Oh what do you want now?" Tommy asked, swatting the crow's beak away.

The crow simply cawed.

Tommy felt like he understood.

"You can't have coffee. It's practically toxic for you." He said, scolding the bird.

The bird pouted, laying on the counter.

"Dont mope, and maybe get up? I need to wipe the counter." Tommy continued, gently lifting the bird.

The bird then flew towards his hair, nestling in it.

"If you were to shit in there you will never see the light of day again, I can promise you that." Tommy deadpanned, feeling a shiver on his head.

Tommy cackled.

He decided to name this particular crow "Shroud".

He came by every day, pecking on his window to be let in.

tommy's standard life behind a coffee counter.Where stories live. Discover now