7 - Message from a Feathered Friend

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"Oh, shut up you gremlin." Phantom responded, rolling his eyes.

Tommy waved as they left, shutting the door as they were no longer in sight.

He decided to close up the café early.

Besides, no one is coming by.

Today was a slow day, if you ignore the robbery and visitors.


Tommy was laying in his house on the floor, doing absolutely nothing.

Sure, he was finally given thanks by that fucking ghost boy

But he still was unhappy about something.

What it was, was unclear.

So what was he mad about?

He could only think.

Then, he passed out cold on the floor.

He seriously needs to stop sleeping everywhere.


The sun had rose, and Tommy was out doing his usual.

Before he had went out, he decided to visit Puffy and Niki's bakery.

Did I mention Niki went to work at a florist?

Yeah, about that,

It was a part time job from what Tommy was told.

She worked there only on Saturdays and Sundays, as the flowers often distracted her from things going on in her life.

He felt some remorse as she was overworking.

Maybe he should go and talk it out with her at the bakery.

And so, he did.

The bakery bell rang.

"I'll be with you in a minute!" A warm voice called out, presumably from the storage room.

Out come Puffy, entering the room.

"Hey Tommy, how are you?" She smiled, making the blonde feel warm.

"I'm great, Puffy. Mind if I take the usual?" He asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Sure thing, Toms."

Puffy headed to the back, then returning with a customised bag.

Inside was a thin box filled with pastries Tommy usually ate.

"Thanks, Puffy." He said, reaching for his wallet.

"Oh no, don't pay. It's on the house for being my favourite customer." Puffy interjected, swaying her hands.

"I insist, Puffy."

"Tommy, you don't."

Tommy shot her a look.

tommy's standard life behind a coffee counter.Where stories live. Discover now