Chapter 1.

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5000 B.C

Y/n POV-

I woke up rather unsure were I was or who the people surrounding me were... All I knew is that I have a mission to complete and so did they.

That's why we are here.

Whilst everyone looked around the room a shorter welcoming woman walked over to me. A motherly presence to herself

Ajak: 'I'm Ajak, your y/n and we are Eternals, I know this is hard to comprehend but we are here to protect this world against the deviants' I nod and shake her hand then walk over to the window, feeling almost robotic

I looked out at the view mesmerised. This world sure was something

Thena: I turn to my right seeing a woman, possibly 5'7, 5'8 possibly. She is beautiful that's for sure 'I'm Thena' she says with a studying glare

Even the way she says her name has my heart racing inside my chest. I love this feeling

Y/n: 'I'm y/n' I say and turn back to the window yet again looking at the people who had now appeared from miles away

Thena: 'it's a nice planet isn't it' she smiles. I hum and tense up as her cold hand brushes over mine

Y/n: 'seems that way' I speak with a soft hum feeling my powers get ready for something that was obviously due for us when we get to this planet

I can't help but stare at this woman beside me, she's beautiful yet has a powerful aura surrounding her

Ajak: 'Y/n, Thena, Makkari, Ikaris, Kingo and Gilgamesh you are needed right now' We all nod almost in sync

A deviant attacks the shoreline swallowing a man whilst the rest of the local people run for there lives. Ikaris shoots his lazarbeams at the beast whilst Makkari helps the young boy get to safety and me and Kingo attack the deviant on the shoreline

He shoots the deviant with his finger guns and I upper cut it making it drop to the floor. I then jump on top of it and punch then pound it in the head making it stop moving

Kingo: 'good punches young one' i roll my eyes at the pet name and jump down from the deviant watching as Thena takes the other deviants two legs and head of with her weapons

She walks away in arms with Gilgamesh making me scoff and run back to the rest of them. The other Eternals then exit one by one resulting in the locals freaking out and turning annoyed and feral

First comes Sersi,
Then Ajak,
After that follows Phastos
Followed by Sprite and Finally Druig

Druig without a second thought hypnotises them resulting in them dropping there weapons and other things they were threatening us with

Y/n: 'your amazing Thena' I whisper in her ear. You see I soon figure out just the extent that my charm and love manipulation can take me. I will make her fall in love with me, well, I intend on it

Gilgamesh: 'she is' i hum and tap him on the back while Thena studies me with her eyes deep in thought

We get back to the ship with a lot of questions looming for Ajak. She smiles and we all sit around her as though little children waiting for a storytelling

Ajak: 'we are family now... we protect the humans from deviants and we protect each other from them in turn' we all nodded as I linked eyes with Sersi, a small smile appeared to her face


Druig: 'why are we here, why can't god or whoever these humans believe in save them?' He asked as I grazed my fingers over the cut left on my shoulder and squint

Ajak stands up and walks over to me

Ajak: 'let me' she hovers her hand over the cut and with that my scar and the hole in my suit are gone in the blink of an eye

Y/n: 'thank you Ajak' she grins and messes my hair up a little

Ajak: 'because god isn't real, we are, and we are here right now to help, do you not want to help these innocent people?' She asked. It seems like she is manipulating him but her motherly aura makes us all brush it off

Thena: 'we will go back home once the deviants are dead?' The blonde haired what I assumed was woman spoke, I looked her up and down and she caught my glance rather embarrassingly

Ajak: 'I don't know yet Thena, we will have to wait and see' she said 'for now get some rest, we will go see the humans tommorow' we all nodded and made our way to separate rooms in the ship, me and Thena last in line to find a bedroom

Thena: 'you were really good today' I rubbed the back of my neck as we kept walking 'No seriously I think Ikaris has some competition for most powerful' I shook my head and watched her hips as she swayed them in front of me

Y/n: 'pleaseee, your the best fighter and you know you are' The woman wrapped her teeth over her bottom lip and continued walking

We eventually reached the next bedroom door and stopped. I opened the door revealing a bedroom and smiled at her 'Well I guess this is you' she nodded

Thena: 'I don't want to stay on my own the first night will you stay with me?' She asked. At first I was going to say no because of the rules Ajak had already implanted in our heads the first moment we woke up but then she just looked so damn hot

Y/n: 'Of course Athena' I say teasing her

Thena: 'It's Thena drop the A' i nod and look her up and down 'I can't wait to spend eternity correcting you now because you know I hate it'





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