Chapter 3.

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Y/n Pov:

Y/n: We are walking down the streets of London towards the club. Sprite is obviously disguised as a woman and Sersi looks elegant as ever. I admire her before placing my arm around her shoulder and walking alongside the brunette 'I can't believe you are making me go to this party Sersi' I say in her ear making her chuckle and glance me in the eyes.

Sprite: 'Sersi has Y/n wrapped around her pinky finger like this' The girl stuck up her pinky finger and circled it with her index one. I rolled my eyes and slapped her hand away

Sersi: 'Pffft, I do not have Y/n wrapped around my finger' The shorter eternal denied resulting in us both looking at her, then each other, eventually making us burst out laughing

Y/n: 'You do love' I said once the two of us had calmed down

Sersi: She turned back to the street and began walking quicker 'Cmon you two children, I have my boyfriend to see' I rolled my eyes whilst Sprite ran ahead to the club

Y/n: 'I'll put you on a ban in bed if you don't be careful, after that earthquake earlier I think I might be too tired' I said. The brunette looked at me like a ghost and kissed me quickly pulling away. There had been an earthquake this morning that the whole world felt. A bit odd but nobody really dwindled on it.

Sersi: 'Ok ok ill be quiet' She says as we enter the club with Sprite holding open the door. I turn back to the girl and smile

Y/n: 'That's what  I thought... she can't live without me and my-' Sprite ran up to me and shushed me with her entire hand 

Sprite: 'Hold that right there, we will not be talking about that whilst sprite is around' The three of us laughed.

Dane: 'Hey guys... Y/n glad you could make it' I hummed and shook his hand licking my lips and standing behind Sersi 

Y/n: 'Yeah where is the bar?' I ask hearing her hough. She hates when I drink but if she is going to drag me and Tinkerbell over there to these parties then I'm going to need to drink

Dane: 'Over there' he points to the corner of the room and I nod grabbing Sprites arm and dragging her with me

Y/n: 'Thanks... come on Sprite we can get you a fruit shoot' I speak making her slap my back and the two of us sit down at the bar. I order a drink for myself and pay enough to keep us going for the entire night

Sprite: 'Fuck you Y/n' she mutters. The bartender gives us a weird look but soon enough Sprite disguises herself in the woman body she usually claims

Y/n: 'Ew look at them' I say pointing over at Sersi and Dane who were dancing together. He was basically draping his body over her whilst she looked uncomfortable, to say the least

Sprite: 'You're sooo jealous' the usually ginger-haired Eternal speaks, I down my shot and glance around the room breaking my stare with the brunette's face and body 

Y/n: 'I'm soooo not' I reply only to have her tap on the bar and order herself a drink. She orders a rum and coke but we both know her little body wont be able to handle it so she corrects herself and gets just a coke.

Sprite: 'She loves you, you know?' I basically choke on my drink and turn to her with an expression I'm sure you could compare to a ghost

Y/n: 'What!?' I shout/question over the music. 

Sprite: The girl nods 'That's why she doesn't commit to Dane and break it off with you because she's in love with you' Sprite explains making me shake my head and laugh lightly. Unbelieving in what she is saying

Y/n: 'No she isn't don't be ridiculous' I mutter and down another shot clocking eyes with a few girls across the club who were waving and smiling at me

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