Chapter 4.

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Babylon 575 B.C.

Sersi: 'Y/n are you not going to join in on the killing of the deviants' Sersi asks. We were currently sat up in the watch tower as all our teammates killed the deviant that had attacked

It wasn't a big one so I wasn't too bothered to go, especially since it would mean watching Gilgamesh flirting with Thena

Y/n: 'Nah, I think id rather be here. With you' I say and turn to her with a charming smile, she hums and rolls her eyes pushing my shoulder away at my advances

Sersi: 'Even when Gilgamesh looks like he's about to steal your girl' I bite my lip and look down to see Gilgamesh holding Thenas hand and helping her from on top of the now dead deviant

Y/n: 'Im not even sure she is "my girl"' I say putting finger quotations around the my girl part

It's complicated between me and Thena. One minute she will be all flirtatious and show affection towards me, the next she will flirt shamelessly with Gilgamesh in front of me

Sersi: 'Oh she's "your girl" that's for sure, she looks at you like nothing else exists in the world' I roll my eyes and look down at the woman who is laughing with Ikaris and Makkari

Y/n: I snap out of my stare and turn to her 'Yeah but she looks at Gilgamesh in the same way' I moan

Druig: 'What are ya talking about?' Druig asks coming and sitting down next to us with a cheeky smile

Sersi: 'How Thena looks at Y/n' Sersi says making him smile and run his hands through his hair

Druig: 'Oh my god it's so cute how she looks at you Y/n' Druig says like an untameable queen

He's quite obviously in love with Makkari but that's a story for another time

Y/n: 'No it's not. because I never catch her looking at me' I say and dangle my legs over the edge of the fifty feet watch tower

Sersi: 'That's because you're too preoccupied with Makkari helping her steal things and playing drinking games with Kingo' Sersi teases, me Makkari and Kingo have formed a trio of sorts

Druig: 'And when you're not doing that you are charming all the locals' I roll my eyes and smile

Y/n: 'yeah not in a romantic way even though I could use some romance and or se-' Sersi cuts me of by placing her finger over my lips

Sersi: 'Y/N NO WE ARE NOT DOING THAT OR SAYING THAT WHILE IM WITH YOU' Me and Druig burst out laughing, I look into her eyes, the twinkle in them shining extra bright

Y/n: 'Yeah, yeah don't act like Kingo didn't walk in on you and Ikaris the other night, doing some things, kinky things' I flirt. She turns a deep shade of red then turns away and looks down at the rest of the team

Druig: 'What does Kinky mean?' My best fiend I guess you could call it says

Y/n: ' I don't know it just came to mind when I was thinking of a word to say, that's the 30th word I've created what are you on Druig? 3?' Me and Druig kind of have a thing where we create as many words as we can and introduce them into the big bad world

Druig: 'Shut up kinky won't stick with the humans' i hum and 'oh'

Y/n: 'It will if we give it a good meaning' I reply and move in between Sersis legs allowing her to stroke my hair, I sit back into her chest and close my eyes

Sersi: 'Go on then give it a good meaning' she speaks flicking me on the forehead

Y/n: 'Right let's say it means when people are having sex and they have something that they want to try that isn't necessarily normal but they find enjoyable' Druig chuckles and high fives me whilst Sersi plays with my hair

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