Chapter 10.

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1950. Venice

Sersi: 'You know' The brunette looks around at the city which was quickly expanding and staying in the hands of time as rather beautiful 'This would be quite romantic if i wasn't here with you' I roll my eyes and turn to look at her, draping my arms over the railings separating us and the rising seabeds

Y/n: 'Oh come on Sersi, you know there is no one you would rather be with right now' I say confidently, resulting in a small smile playing on the beautiful girl i've became rather fond off's mouth

'If you say there is and are lying, then the deviants will come back' I say giving her a rude and rather mean ultimatum

Sersi: 'Okay okay, there isn't' She says and pulls me in by my neck, planting a sweet yet chaste kiss on my lips, i quickly pull her back for a more rough but passionate one in exchange

Y/n: 'Exactly' I say smiling against her lips,

I pull away and wrap my arm around her waist leaving a little gap between us, as to not look extremely suspicious in between all the strolling strict catholics that were roaming the city and were very much still homophobic, something non of us eternals ever seemed to understand. I mean, you love who you love at the end of the day, regardless of gender.

'You act as though you don't love me, but i know there's at least a part of you that wants me and refuses to give in' I say and turn to her glancing at her lips then back up to her warm and inviting brown eyes

'Other than in bed of course' I continue, leaving just that little confident remark on the end of statement

Sersi: 'Well it's hard not to jump your bones Y/n' She says and kisses my cheek sweetly, then rests her entire arms over the railings, feeling the cool breeze play against her hands

'Especially when one of your powers is charm and love manipulation' I hum and smile at her, my eyes landing on her hands which slowly creeped on top of mine

Y/n: 'You know i'm starting to feel quite used by you' I whisper shout making her raise her eyebrow and look at me rather intrigued as to what statement would be released from my vocal chords next

'And your constant need for amazing amazing sex with me' I say, using my natural talent of charming females, and males and others.

Sersi: 'Shouldn't that be a compliment' she says and traces the veins on my hands with her pointer finger 'If you consider it amazing and i consider it out of this world?' I hum and kiss her forehead, realising i was soon gaining more and more fond and loving of the eternal i never would of expected i would have gained feelings for

Y/n: 'Yes it should' I say 'But i like arguing with you Sersi' She rolls her eyes instantly and nuzzles into my neck, watching as the unique boats travelled superbly across the rivers all throughout the city

Sersi: 'I know you do' She says and cuddles even deeper than i thought possible into me

'But deep down u secretly have a part of you that loves me too' I nod and close my eyes for a brief second, Thena my love briefly crossing through my mind

Y/n: 'So take me back to the hotel room and let me prove to you just how much of a slut you can be' She smiles but tries to cover it with the clearing of her throat, i love when she tries to resist my charm, it only makes me want her more and results in me flirting and trying harder

'Because u love me'  I continue and look at her with doe eyes, throwing out that golden retriever energy she basically buckles for

Sersi: 'See' She begins to flirt and tosses her hair back, resulting in little strands of it in my eyes and mouth, i cautiously remove them trying not to go blind and then reframe myself back to my normal chill self 'It's not just me that makes everything sexual between us' I hum and stand behind her, wrapping my arms around her and gripping onto the balcony from behind her, leaving a soft kiss against her neck, in her soft spot in particularly

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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