Chapter 2.

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I woke up the next morning with Thenas arm draped over me. Surprisingly we didn't do anything we just lay next to each other in silence, however keeping one another company.

Thena: 'Morning Y/n' She spoke and removed her arm from me, I smiled glumly then ran my hands over my face in an attempt to wake myself up 'Thank you for staying last night' She hummed. I nodded and stood up 

Y/n: 'It was my pleasure Thena, goddess of war' I teased resulting in the blonde swiping for me with a laugh escaping her lips 'I should get to my room though before Ajak drop kicks me' She nodded and stood up, she was surrounded by sheets but I could tell she would be wearing very little if anything underneath

Thena: 'Do me a favour, don't tell Druig about this I know how friendly you two are already' I nodded and ruffled my hair up

Y/n: 'What is there to tell?' I quizzed 'Because we literally just slept in the same bed to comfort each other on our first night on earth' Her grey eyes studied me 

Thena: 'Bye Y/n' The woman mutters. I walk away and out of the room rushing to the next one along. A feeling of comfort surrounding me about this girl who had just been before me.

London- Current day

Sersi Pov:

Sersi: 'Do you think Dane will ever find out about us?' I quiz turning to the girl who was laying in my bed reading Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet to be exact

Sprite: 'Oh he will definitely find out about you jumping each other's bones every night' Sprite says walking in with a cup of coffee for each of us and a hot chocolate for herself. We both jump and pull our covers up just that bit further so she can't see anything she or we don't want her to

Y/n: 'Not every night' The taller girl corrects taking her reading glasses from her face and closing her book

Sersi: 'Every night' I correct her this time making her chuckle and squeeze my thigh under the covers playfully. 

You see Dane has been my so-called "boyfriend" for the past couple of years but Y/n and I have been on and off sleeping with each other for thousands of years 

Y/n: 'If he finds out it's not on me I'm not been the person in the middle' she said throwing her hands up in innocence then grabbed her coffee and took a sip. I cuddled under her arms and into her chest whilst sprite sat on the windowsill looking out at the amazing view Y/n and I had.

Sprite: 'I think he started getting suspicious when you turned his offer down this most recent time to live with him' We both hummed. I like Dane. I really do. But someone who has been having sex for all of time/ thousands of years vs someone who only started about 20 years ago.

There's no competition in the bedroom side of things.

Sersi: 'Yeah well, if we have to move with you soon anyway what's the point?' I said. You see me Y/n and Sprite move around every 5 years. This is because if someone, were to cotton on that Sprite, isn't ageing a day it may look a little suspicious.

It was just me and Ikaris for a time since the Eternals split up like a music band I guess you could compare it to.

I always had a sparkle for y/n though and Ikaris always saw it so eventually, he just left. I went into a dark place and Ajak sent Y/n to come to comfort me. One thing led to another and that was that we have been fucking for centuries.

Y/n has a fairly complicated history with the Goddess of War herself but I'll let one of them tell that story another time.

After a few decades of it being just me and Y/n, Ajak sent Sprite to come and check on us and she sort of just never left. So the duo became a trio and we have been moving around every 5 years ever since.

ETERNAL LOVE {Thena/You}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα