Chapter 10

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anyway enjoy the chapter

"Hey Nat I'm leaving! I'll be back later!"
Nat grabbed my hand before I could get out the door. "Wait a sec. Where are you going?"
"Ummm....I decided to go back to school?"
"Oh okay, give me a minute and I'll be ready to go."
"What? No you can't, first of all you're not even enrolled. I-" He looked at me as if just spoke in a different language.
"Im coming with you. I don't want you to have a panic attack again."
"No buts. Also that mean guy from the costume shop is there and I'm not leaving you alone with him." Nat looked me straight in the eyes, with his hands gripping my arms. As if to drive the point into my brain. Okay I get it. He's coming with me and that's that.

~~~~~at the school~~~~~

I stopped us outside the main entrance.
"Alright we're here. So there's some rules."
"Rules are no fun."
"I don't care. One: don't talk in class unless the teacher says you can. Two: don't draw to much attention to yourself. Most of the time teachers don't care about the students, but they might realize you're not supposed to be here. Three: don't get in any fights. Four-"
"Okay I get it. Let's go!" Nat ran past me and into the school. Taking a deep breath, I followed him inside. Everything seemed normal. Couples making out in corners, jocks tossing footballs around, other kids just trying to get to their lockers. Yeah, just a normal Monday morning...until everyone turned and stared at me. Nat leaned over to me while calmly surveying the crowd. "Wow. Aren't you the popular one?"
"I shouldn't be."
I began to make my way to my locker, with the eyes of everyone still following me.
"Isn't that the quiet kid that used to be friends with Jake?"
"I thought he committed suicide."
"No, I heard he got in a car crash and was in a coma!"
"But he looks uninjured? A little skinny though..."
"Yeah, and who's that hottie with him? Do you think they're dating?"
"Well. I heard he's bisexual so it's a possibility."
I froze, finally in front of my locker. There were words carved into the metal. They varied in size, but they were all said the same thing. "Die already you waste of space." Nat came up behind me, assessing the vandalism. When he spoke I jumped, not expecting the noise.
"Nat!" I glanced back at my locker then to him. He was glaring at the locker with a deep fire in his eyes. "Nat, it's okay. I'll just ask the janitor to put a new door on later."
"What is wrong with them?" He turned to look back at the flow of students. "You haven't done anything to them. They shouldn't do this."
"It's just things people do Nat, it's fine. Let's just go to class." He nodded after a minute, and started following me through the halls. "It's not fine. Not fine at all." I started to breath faster, and I clutched the front of my jacket. Damnit. Why now. It's just some bullies. I'm over reacting. A hand on mine startled me out of my thoughts. Nat gave me a soft smile. As if saying 'I'm here for you.' I gave him a halfhearted smile in return. "Alright, first period, chemistry."

Anyways sorry this took so long to post hope you *cough cough* gEt TrAuMATiZEd *cought* enjoy it!

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