Chapter 12

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~~~At lunch~~~

I sighed in relief as I entered the lunch room. "Two more classes and then the day is over!" Nat looked around the room, making eye contact with people who were staring at us until they looked away. "I brought us food, so where do you want to sit?" He shrugged, still surveying everything. I weaved my way through tables while trying not to trip over feet or stray backpacks. Nat sat down with me at a mostly empty table as I pulled out lunch for both of us. "Okay so I brought you some leftover-"
"Hey! I'm Natalie, do you want to come sit with us?" I looked up, a girl was standing in front of Nat. She was playing with her braid and was obviously hitting on him. Nat smiled and glanced at me. "Sure, is that okay Owen."
"Oh, sure. Here you go." I handed him his lunch, and he got up to follow the girl across the lunchroom. "Well great, now I'm alone again." Why did I say that it was fine? I didn't want him to leave. Ugh, I think I'm gonna be sick. I stood up, trying to quickly make my way to the bathroom. Right as I got through the doors, hands grabbed my upper arms.

Sorry it's short again I'm really tired

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