A Good Idea to lose my heart?!

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Luna walked straight towards me with a glare in her eyes but a smug smile on her face. The timing of hers showed that she had been waiting for Adrian to leave. 

"Heeeyyy.....what was your name again? I forgot..I am so sorry."

"Why are you here?"

"You know, you shouldn't be talking like that when you are just working in a small cake shop and living a pretty mundane life" I wished I could slap that snide look off her face but alas it was illegal.

"Well....you shouldn't be talking like that to the owner of the CAFETERIA you are standing in and specially when that person has easy access to hot coffee that can easily be thrown at your pretty face" The increase in the level of redness on her face satisfied my urge to slap her, a little.

"Adrian is off limits. Stay the hell away from him. This is my last and final warning. If you ever try to contact him again, lets just say that it wont end good for you"

"See there...I have cameras all over this place. Now since your threat has been recorded, let me just tell you that it was Adrian himself who came to me and not the other way round. So just get your facts straight before you start throwing out threats to others"

"Why the fuck will he seek you out? You are a NOBODY"

After seeing the look on her face, I did not want to  tell her about the circumstances and why he met me. 

"He was here for coffee and may be because of staring at your fake ass face all day, he was interested to talk to someone who gave him some fresh ideas or was ready to stand up to him." Hearing my reply, Lilly laughed out loud and I realized that she was standing just behind me all this time. She looked at me and winked and then unbelievably said this:

"Be Gone, Bitch....Instead of coming here to beg for Adrian to return, why don't you take your ugly person to him and beg HIM to return back to you?"

  As soon as Luna heard this, you could see the fire in her eyes grow. Without saying anything, she turned around and strutted out of the door. I turned back to Lilly,

"Why will you give her that idea? What have I done to you that you are getting revenge for?"

"Listen Tia...you know that there was something between them and that she will do something to get him back. Now if Adrian is too weak willed to resist her approaches, then it will be good for you if you find out now than later when you are too deep. You already are getting attached to him and remember that there is a child involved as well."

"You are right, Lills...I know that but then again it just feels bad. Anyways, I won't put my head much into it and think of how to get out of shopping with Rose"

"Don't you dare do that..she knew that you will be doing something like this, thus she told me to throw you out of the shop at 5 pm sharp. You go and get ready and rest for a bit as well."

"Thanks Lills...I don't know what I would do with out you"

I went back to complete some of the cupcakes and then suddenly, when I checked the time, it was 4 30. I wanted to eat some lunch but I did not have the energy to prepare something non-sweet and I had to restrict my sugar intake. Oh shit, I forgot my doctor's appointment tomorrow. After the last scare, I had to go for my appointment this week again but it completely slipped my mind. Anyways, I will call them up tomorrow early morning to get the appointment. 

I chose a simple blue dress and went out to the front of the shop when I heard Rose's voice.

"Come on Tia, I am all ready to go shopping and buying you a dress that will make Adrian's eyes drop. I heard what happened in the morning, and lets show Luna WHO YOU ARE"

As I was laughing at her statement, I knew Lilly must have told her about Luna. I could see the anger and excitement in Rose's eyes and knew we were in for one hell of a shopping trip. 

And that is what exactly happened. She dragged me from store to store and then finally we reached one small store where one jumpsuit caught my eyes. It was a beautiful pale pink with lace top. Since Adrian had told me that shoes may be required as well, this was the perfect thing that would go best with both heels and shoes. I had already fallen for it.

 I instantly called Rose back and took her with me inside the shop

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 I instantly called Rose back and took her with me inside the shop. Before she could open her mouth and say anything about the dress, I shut her up,

"Either I am buying this dress if it fits my size or I am going back home now. I am hungry and tired and every thing is irritating me." This quieted her up quick and she told me to try the dress and as soon as I wore it, I knew that this was me. It was so pretty that it set right on my body.

"Wow, Tia, oh my good...this looks so beautiful. This is it.....This your dress." She squealed out in delight.

"Yes, I love love this dress....I cannot believe the fit and flare of the bottom. This looks decent and beautiful. We are taking this and we are going home."   

As soon as the payment and the other process completed, Rose dropped my back home. I was craving for some homemade rice and rajma which is basically kidney beans. I was missing my Mom's cooking and I really wanted to visit her this Sunday. I wish she lived near me so I did not have to plan ahead and could just drop as soon as I wanted to.

I opened my door and went inside, planning to make something rice related. I had just kept my dress in the closet after freshening up that I heard the bell ring. Seeing that it was 9 at night, I thought that maybe Rose had come back to plan and discuss more. I looked through the peephole and there he was: Adrian!! I opened the door, shocked to see him standing there with a parcel.

"Hey Amore, how are you feeling?" Saying this he kissed me right on the lips and went inside as if this was an everyday occurrence. " I have bought ra..raazama, I think its called and rice with me. My cook has prepared this specially since I knew that after the day you had and then meeting with Luna, you would want your comfort food."

"Whhhaatt...WHAT are you doing here at 9? Secondly how do you know about Luna and thirdly, how do you know about MY comfort food?"

" Hey..now don't react like that...Its is only 9 and I have all the answers to your questions. I had gone to your cafeteria to pick you up when Lilly reminded me that you had gone with Rose for shopping and then about Luna's sudden visit. So I decided to surprise you with your favorite food, which I know because it is written in your Instagram profile!!" 

"Oh...I have to tell Lilly to keep her mouth shut sometimes. Thanks for the food though but you should go now as we may have a fight if you stay here right now"

This made his frowns go deeper..."HUh, why?"

"I am really in an irritating mood right now and will either start crying or shouting at any moment. I am really sorry...I know you brought the food for us but I cannot tolerate anyone for the moment. " As soon as Adrian heard this, he kept the food on the table and came straight towards me. He picked me up and took me straight to my bedroom. After putting me on the bed he tightly hugged me for what felt like a lifetime. He then put pillows behind me and went towards the kitchen. Few minutes later he was sitting there beside me on the bed with the food in hand and we started having our food silently. It was so good but it just scared me more.

What was this man doing to my heart and how long will my wall stand?

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