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After many arguments, we decided, rather I flat out told him, that we were going to my house. The drive back home was done in absolute silence. I looked out the window the entire time but strangely it felt safe with him. He was practically a stranger, but the whole hospital staff seemed to know him, though the doctor seemed kind of surprised when on hearing about the baby being his. I don't know, he seems kind of famous? And I think I have seen him somewhere. I guess I will find out tonight.

On reaching, he stopped the car and ran out to open my door and gave me a hand but I ignored it to get down on my own. He opened the front door and I helped myself to the living room and sat down on the couch.

"Ok, you settle down and I will get you a glass of water. Don't move"

"Oh yeah, I am just gonna run away from here because I am able to"; I was quite capable of running out but I just did not have the energy.

Hearing this, he turned around smirking, "You know, you make it so easy to tease you. Is it just me or do you get irritated with everyone this easily?"

"It's just you because I don't have much experience dealing with mad men. Now give me that water and just start talking because I don't want to stay a minute longer if possible."

He took a seat right in front of me, "Ok, I will get straight to the point. You went to a sperm bank to get impregnated, right? And you chose the profile number 4754 with his description of being grey eyed, brown hair and masters in business and law? The donation was also made just the day prior? Ring any bells?"

I stared at him gobsmacked. How does he even know all these? It's not possible because these things are supposed to be hidden and personal, not just disclosed to anybody.

"ha..ho..how do you even know these things? These are supposed to be private. How did you even get it out?"

"I know it because I am the one who has given it to the bank. It was due to a drunk dare given to me by my friend and was not supposed to happen but it did."

"What do you even mean by it was not supposed to happen? Did he do it for you or something, because obviously you were not opposed to it."

"No, I was, but it was a lapse in my judgement and the realization that some dares are supposed to be taken seriously, happened a bit too late. What I did not know is that the people at the bank did not get that I was drunk a little bit and they allowed me to...how do I say, contribute? Anyway, I did realise it and went back to get my sample later but it was already too late. It took me almost a month to search you out and get the necessary information".

No way....there's no way that this man sitting right before me was saying this so easily and nicely, without even flinching or blinking with a strand of guilt. The nerve of this man!!! The words just sprout out of his mouth as if he is just talking about the weather. There was only one thing that I wanted to do, and I did just that;

I stood, walked up to him and gave him a nice tight slap right on his shocked face!!!

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