Happy Times

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Hello peeps!! I am really really sorry to take a break of almost an year. This is just a filler chapter and I will be uploading more very very soon!! Happy reading.......

After dinner, we sat down in the living room and I finally said,

"Thank you for this. I was really craving some Indian food, specially rice. Because of all this running around and work, I forgot about eating."

"That is something you need to work on....when are you going for your next doctor's appointment?" This made me remember that I had to take an appointment for tomorrow. That had slipped my mind as well. 

"I am supposed to go tomorrow. I had thought of calling up the doctor's office in the morning"

"Don't do that...I will ask our family doctor to be available on Saturday morning. We first go for the appointment and from there we go for our date, what say?"

"That sounds like a nice plan with only a small problem. Family doctor? Won't your family come to know about all this?"

"Well...if I am planning to marry you then I am pretty sure that my family will be involved."

"Just because I am carrying your baby and mind you, it did not even happen in the conventional manner,  you want to marry me. Great....Adrian, we need to have this conversation. This is not right."

"Forgot that you are pregnant for a second. What if this was a normal dating scene?" Hearing this I laughed out loud,

"Right, because normally someone like YOU will be dating someone like ME. Nice" Hearing this wiped the smile off his face. He got serious and just continued looking at me.

"You know, we both have work tomorrow and will have to go early as well. I will talk to the doctor and don't worry for the privacy thing. I will tell her that it is for a friend." saying this he bent towards me and kissed my lips. The kiss felt sad and I felt pathetic for what I said but it had to be said. He then moved towards my forehead and and just pressed his lips there as if wanting to convey something, I just did not know what. 

He whispered slowly, " Bye...see you day after tomorrow.....Will be waiting for Saturday eagerly." He got up and left. After closing the door, I just wanted to sleep without thinking about anything.

And I did.


Friday went by really fast, without any incident and Saturday came running...

I was up early as we had the appointment. After that day, Adrian had hardly called me. When he did, it was just for a min or two to talk for my updates. Even I was busy because I was going away for the weekend. Saturday was with Adrian and Sunday was with my family. The thought did cross my mind to invite him along with me, just so to appease my Mom a little so that it seems as if I went the conventional way of getting pregnant, but at the last moment decided not to. Its better to be safe than sorry.

I had dressed up in a simple summer dress so that its easier for the checkup and had packed my things to get dressed later.  It was really early like 7 am, so I was irritated and nervous, thinking about what was to happen later. I saw Adrian stop infront of me and get out of his car. He had a bouquet of flowers and a big smile....The flowers were so beautiful but his smile irked me : 

'How can someone be so happy in the morning?' 

"Hey, love, you look absolutely gorgeous and pissed altogether. I am guessing the early morning is the reason why. Don't worry, you can sleep on the way to the doctor and I will wake you as soon as you reach....it will take almost an hour to reach there." Saying this he hugged me close and within few seconds, my anger did disappear (almost). I kissed my neck silently and then opened the door to his car.

As soon as I sat, I greeted him" Good morning, Adrian.....hope you had a nice last few days. You seemed busier than usual" Ehh, where was this coming from? Even if he was busy, so what? It was not like he had to report to me what and where he was. I hate this me!!

" Yes, it was a really busy since I had to travel to Singapore for a new deal and I came back yesterday night. I am sorry if my calls were really short. I promise to make it up to you today" Saying this, he smiled brightly and kissed my hand.

Now what do you say to this? He is running a freaking company, obviously he was busy. 

" No problem, seriously. I was just kidding. So where are we going now?"

" Just an hour drive from here to the doctor's office and from there to the surprise."

"Ok...I am a really paranoid person. Can you please tell me the name of the place or I will be having an anxiety attack the entire time"

"Shush...just close your eyes and sleep. I will wake you up once we reach. Saying this he turned on the music and I really did drift off to sleep. He was unusually quiet today.

It felt I had just closed my eyes and was asleep for a few mins, when I felt him shaking me. 

" Hey, Amore, wake up. We are here" I woke up to see that we were in front of a very posh private clinic. It was so beautiful and looked very serene.

"This is so beautiful.....is this a private clinic? "

"Yes, of Dr. Chase's. She is a great doctor and has agreed to this last minute appointment."

We went inside and the more I walked, the more peaceful it looked. As soon as I entered, the nurse ushered us inside the  room. Dr. Chase entered, looking a very mature middle aged woman. 

"Hi Tia, I am Dr. Ella Chase. Imagine my surprise when Adrian calls me for this urgent appointment and doesn't give me any reason why and who. I just hope he has not kidnapped you because this is all very hush hush. So, tell me, how far along are you?"

Huh, I just blinked at her....wow, she just went super speed with her words. By the time I collected my wits, Adrian answered, " Ella, please I told you yesterday that she is a friend and was looking for a good doctor. So...how about we go along with that?"

" Hi Dr. Ella, I am at 10 weeks now, as confirmed by my previous doc. I have had no pains or any signs of any problems yet. Just I am tired a lot and this is just a regular checkup."

"Ok, Tia. Let me just go through the regular processes and we will take some blood and send it for testing and we will move forward with that. 

And then for the next half an hour, I went through the similar steps but I was amazed by Dr. Ella's ability to not ask anything about me and Adrian. She was very straight to the point and made the whole process very comfortable. No doubt, she is Adrian's family doctor. Thankfully everything seemed all right and was going smoothly. She told me to visit her next month and she would be able to share the gender of the baby. This got me excited a lot.

At the end, I went to change since I could see that she wanted to talk to Adrian privately. It took me 15 mins to get ready and luckily I was still not showing much yet. By the time I went outside, I saw that Adrian had the car ready.

"Get in, we are already late for our date. Lets go now." He looked happy somehow and I really wanted to know the reason why. 

"Why do you look so happy, Adrian? Is there something that the doctor mentioned that you are not telling me?"

" Naah....Its all good. I am just happy...and lets start our date now. Its going to be the greatest adventure of your life, you will see."

Damn, did I not know how true that was going to be!!  

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