Can I?

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late upload and again a short filler chapter...... but its good, I swear!! Enjoy!!!

Stumped.....shocked.......angry.....confused......and finally bbbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........

These were the sounds and the emotions going around my head. Did I hear correctly? Did he just....just propose to me? Did he just say that I was having OUR baby?

" Amore, don't stand gaping there....say something", and I could still feel his arm around me.... his breadth on my face, which was making me heady. I just couldn't think around his words or his closeness.

" Sweetheart, say something, stop staring at me."

" what do you expect me to say?" I just had to ask him.

" I just want you to say yes. Just say that you will marry me." And thus I broke out of my trance.

"GET OUT...GET OUT OF MY SHOP.....OR I AM CALLING THE POLICE. GET OUT!!" my sudden mood change jerked him and he suddenly let me go and pushed back. He could see that I was not taking the news well. He turned back and went around the counter and moved to go but then he leaned against the counter and said,

" I am going now, but I will be back. I am not letting you go. Take your time, but I will return, amore", saying this he winked at me and then with a smirk strolled out of the cafe. His carefree attitude irked me off, and I had a strong pull to throw the paper weight at him, but I knew that it won't reach him. Wasted effort.

The day went by normally thereafter, but his words kept on pinching in my mind. I just could concentrate in my work and all because of that bastard. I knew the only way to silence it all would be to call the sperm bank and inquire them but still I was hesitating to do so. This was not a normal occurrence, nobody goes around claiming a baby as theirs. I wanted to call the entire thing off as some action of a mad man but did he look like he was crazy? NO.

Arrogant? Yes!

Demanding? Yes!

Sinfully sexy? Oh God, Yes!!

But crazy? No! So that meant that I had to act fast. Looking at the time i saw that it was already 9 pm, almost closing time. I knew that sitting here and trying to do any kind of work was going to be fruitless, so why not just go home and make that call?

I called Lilly, seeing that she was free at the time," Lilly, please close up here after the last of the customers leave. I am not feeling well. I need to go home early" and I could see concern flashing across Lilly's face.

"Are you ok? Do you need me to call someone, maybe Rose?"

" need to do that. I am well enough to drive myself back home. I am just feel a headache coming around and suddenly remembered I had something to be done at home. Can you please close up?"

" Sure, Tia. Just go, don't worry. And if needed come late tomorrow, I will open the cafe since its Saturday and I don't have any classes tomorrow."

"Thanks love, You are a sweetheart, though I will try to be on time if anything doesn't rise up."

Saying this, I picked up my bags and the important papers and ran out towards my car. I needed to make that call and fast.

Covering a distance of 30 minutes in 15 minutes, I reached home. Hanging my coat, I reached into my bag to take out my phone while going into the kitchen. I dialed the number but suddenly I was face with hesitation; what if, what if he was saying the truth, what if he really was the father of my baby? Was I ready to face the truth?

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