Too near...everywhere!!

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I was sitting there numb.....speechless.... because there comes a time in everyone's life that renders you out of words. Its like trying to move a wall, no matter how much force you put on it, it just won't budge, just like the man sitting beside me.

" Are you out of your fucking mind? Are you brain damaged? Are you crazy? "

"You realize that you just asked the same thing thrice, right?"

" Yes because asking you once doesn't seem to work for you. I mean it what are you even doing here? What intentions do you have? "

" Sweetheart, don't you think that you should be asking where we are going for breakfast?"

" No, because I know where I am going for breakfast. As for you, you can go wherever the hell you want."

" You really should stop cussing. Our baby won't like it"

" Our baby?? OUR BABY? "

" Hey...calm down or again the same thing that happened yesterday will be repeated. As for where WE are going for breakfast is your own cafe. I thought you will be most comfortable there and we can talk and discuss our marriage plans too."

" Don't repeat marriage in front of me. I hate that stupid word. I won't marry you, are you crazy?? I don't even know your name for God's sake!!"

" Oh right, I absolutely forgot to introduce myself, what with all the baby business, you know. So here goes.... my name is Adrian Stavros. I run a small company that's enough to feed me. I am single and of quite a sensible mind, if I do say so myself. I accidentally donated my sperm and now I am having a baby with you. That's it. Do you wanna know anything more?"

" Wha.....wha...what?"

" I just answered your question. Anything more you want to know?"

" That's what you got from what I said?

" If you wanna know about my family then I can tell you this - I have an elder sister who is married with a baby boy and a younger brother who is also happily married. Both of them run their own businesses and they will support us wholeheartedly when I tell them about us. I also have my parents - my Mom and my Dad who live on their own in their farmhouse so as to live closer to nature. Anything else? You will meet my best friend, Luca, soon who works with me in my company."

"Just stop there for a moment. I am not asking about you. I just said that I don't know and I am not even interested to do so. I have to work anyways since I have a big order coming up. I really don't have time to pass with you or fight with you. Please drop me at my cafe as soon as possible."

"Yes Ma'am, we will be there in a moment"

As soon as I reached the cafe, I could see that work had already started. I was lucky to have Lilly in my life . I opened my door forgetting all about breakfast, ready to work. I had started mapping out the plan for the day so as to finish the work well on time. The dead line was 4 pm. We had to set up the food at the party at Stavros Heights by 6 pm. Before I could turn towards the kitchen, Adrian grabbed me by my waist and moved me towards the table. I turned around with a gasp and before I could open my mouth to shout at him, I could see by his strict expression that whatever he was going to say, I won't be able to argue with.

" Eat" thats all he had to say before Lilly came out to greet me and was surprised to see me with a man.

" Hey, hi? May I take your order?" I could see the questions in her eyes which she would bombard me after he leaves.

" Hi.... can we have two plates of whatever breakfast you guys have prepared today. I would request for a full, heavy meal to start the day", saying this he smiled towards her in his charming manner which I knew would make Lilly flustered.

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