Date or Not?

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" you are telling me that Tiara, are pregnant? PREGNANT?"

"Please, Lilly...a little louder. I don't think my parents heard you. They are living quite far....they would love to hear that their unmarried daughter is pregnant...and that too by inserting a sperm inside herself"

As soon as I said this, Rose and Lilly burst out laughing. I had to agree that that when I heard myself, even I had to smile. I was freaking out that I had to tell my parents. I was nearing my 2nd month and I had to tell my parents soon...before I started showing. I could imagine very vividly what was going to happen - my Dad disinheriting me and my Mom killing me. Well.....whatever happens, I had decided to tell me parents this weekend and I was going to. Maybe something bad will happen...but later they were going to come around by the time my kid was in college......maybe...hopefully!

"Hey Tia, what made you do this? Don't you wanna, you know, have a proper family one day? What if one day a guy comes and you fall in love but he doesn't accept your kid?"

As soon as  she said this, Adrian came into my mind. Really, I don't know why...or maybe I knew but was just fooling myself into believing something else. I wanted to distract myself from my thought. 

" Well, if he really loves me, he will accept everything of mine...and anyone that comes along with me. Though...all I wanna say is that I have no intention of having a family one day. Me, my kid and my café. That is how I am gonna retire....nothing else. I really don't want a partner, it just ends in depression. Either you spend your entire life together fighting or you just ignore each other. Why would I want that for myself?"

"For a person who reads Jane Austen and Nicholas Sparks, you do have a very romantic view of relationships. If anyone visits your café, they will be surprised by your pragmatic nature.: 

  "Lilly, lets just forget about this now. I want some help from you two. Please share your ideas on how to disclose my status to my parents.  We have a get together at my folk's place this Sunday for my cousin's daughter's birthday. As soon as I will reach there everyone will be around me, giving me ideas on how to get "settled" and somehow I have to disclose my secret to my parents!!"

"Umm...before that, is Saturday, when you will be going on a date with Adrian. have you decided on what to wear? Cuz only two days are left and I am pretty sure that you must have nothing to wear."

"Thanks Lills....You just made my worries go through the roof. Here I am going on a date with a really hot guy and I am looking pregnant. I don't think that I should go....seriously. "

"You are making a huge mistake here, Tia. You really should go out at least once. What's the harm in taking a chance? If it doesn't work out then its both go your separate path"

"Yea Tia.....we are not telling you to go get married. Just go and see.....take a chance. Its not  a compulsion that you have to like him, you can just move on guilt free without any remorse of a lost chance that maybe you could be living a different life."

I thought about this and realized that maybe they are right. I should take the chance...anyways, what could go wrong?

I didn't realize thing would take the wrong turn so suddenly.

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