Monsters vs Aliens (Pt 1) - His Big Day

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'When You See Those Flying Saucers' by the Buchanan Brothers played on the radio as the two men sat boredly in a bunker in Antarctica.

Ben, the man a red Hawaiian flower shirt, noticed the sudden beeping sound coming from his computer and turned the radio off.
He curiously started typing.
"Hey, Jerry, you might wanna check this one out. Palomar just picked it up. Looks like some type of UFO, and it's heading this way..."

Jerry sighed before glaring at the blond man across from him.
"How many times do I have to tell you this?"
He stood up and walked over to Ben and his computer.

"UFO's don't exist and we're never gonna see..."
He stopped after the weird signals coming from the screen and quickly turned to the monitors by the wall.

"Wow, its energy signature is massive."
Jerry began to panic. "Holy Cheez-Its! What do we do?! No one told us what to do! The only reason I took this job you never have to do anything!"

Ben glared at the man. "Jerry, stop it. Let me calculate its impact point."
He typed the on the keypad more before getting a reading.

"Looks like... Modesto California."
Jerry immediately picked up the red phone next to him and cried. "Supernova, this is Red Dwarf. We actually have one! Code Nimoy! I repeat, Code Nimoy!"

The silence provided the perfect atmosphere for the owner of the house to sleep peacefully.

However, four dark figures steadily creeped into his home. They moved through the house, flashes and wheezes and slurping followed their every move.

Finally, they had made it to their destination— the bedroom.
Under the covers, the man's loud snores decreased.

He groaned as he sat up and rubbed his eyes a bit. A light flicked on and he blinked the sleep away.

When he noticed the four figures, he yelled out in fright.
The three other men in the room shrieked playfully together like little girls and laughed.

The chunkier of them pumped air into his lungs with his inhaler to stop wheezing. Another one sucked up the last of his drink while the final man clicked a picture of the man in bed.
"What the heck?!"

"Ugh. Men." A teasing voice said said from behind them.

The group of guys parted to reveal a smug (h/c) woman leaning on the wall by the light switch.

"(Y/n)?! Guys?! What are you doing here? It's 5:00 in the morning!"
"Dude! Turn on your TV! Turn it on now!"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes before reaching over to the remote on the desk and tossed it to the man in bed.

Still confused by his friends intrusion into his house, he turned the television on and clicked through the channels.

"Stop." (Y/n) ordered when he came to the correct one.

There, a familiar beautiful skinny woman with long brown hair and flirty baby blue eyes smirked at the television.

"...and some early morning fog, giving way to sunny skies. Seventy-five degrees. A perfect day to stop by the old folk art and craft show down at the fairgrounds, or a perfect day to marry Steven Murphy. I love you, honey."
Steven smirked as he leaned closer to the television.

"I love you too babe." He said.
The guys behind him ooo'd in their girlie voices and giggled like 15 year old girls.

(Y/n) stood in the back and rolled her eyes again. However, she silently sighed and looked away from them at the picture on Steven's bedside.

She gently picked it up and smiled. It was a picture of her and him at the beach. He had tickled her sides and his mother captured the moment in a photo. She smiled at the memory, but her smile turned sad.

Today was the day.
Her best friend was getting married.
The man she'd been pinning after all her life... was getting married.

"Men..." she silently scoffed as she gently set the picture face down.

The guys left Steven and (Y/n) back at the house to head to the church. Steven freshened up for the big day and combed his dark hair back.

"C'mon! Let's go lover boy!" (Y/n) called outside from her Jeep. The man quickly left his house and climbed in the passenger side, his tuxedo already hanging in the back seat.

(Y/n) smirked at him.
"Well don't you look pretty. You sure you wanna ride in the Jeep and mess up such beautiful hair?"

She said as she drove out the driveway.
"Shut it (Y/n). You wish your Jeep could ruin today!"

"That's just cuz you're jealous I have one and you don't."
"You know, the least you could do is be nicer since I'm getting hitched today. Unlike you."

Steven smirked. (Y/n) laughed as the two drove onto the highway.
"Yea yea, whatever Murphy. Laugh it up. I'm waiting for the right one. I'll meet him one day."

Steven scoffed as he lightly elbowed the girl's arm.
"Please (Y/n). You're always too busy to find some guy, with your secret service to in the government."

"Hey! That's not true! I've met plenty of interesting people at work."
Steven snickered and folded his arms.

"Oh yea? Like who?"
"That's classified information for only higher class agents, sir." She said with a smirk.
"Awe c'mon!"

Author's Note: I would like it to be known that I do not own anything related to Dreamworks, any of it characters, or the original plot line. I've basically copied and pasted the story structure.

Monsters vs Aliens (Male! Susan x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें