Monsters vs Aliens (Pt 3) - All Apart of Growing Up

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Minutes later, Wendy came out of the church and looked around the parking lot, calling for her son.
"Steven? Steven?!"

(Y/n) soon came out after her.
"Ms. Wendy? Have you found him yet?"
The older woman shook her head, making (Y/n) worry.
"Where could he be? Do you think he got cold feet?"
Wendy shrugged.

"I have no idea honey. You check over there beside the church while I check the rest of the parking lot."
(Y/n) nodded before quickly running.
"Steven!? Steven, Where are you?!"

Over the hill, she spotted movement.
Up popped the missing groom.
"Steven!" She rushed over to him and lightly flicked his head.

"Ms. Wendy I found him! Steven, where have you— did you fall down the hill?! You look awful!" (Y/n) grimaced at the dirt and scratches on his suit.
"I think I just got hit by a meteorite."

"Oh, Steven. Every groom feels that way on his wedding day. My goodness, look at you. You're filthy. Thank God I have wet wipes."
Ms. Wendy said as she made her way over.

She began to pull on the boy as he stumbled a bit. (Y/n) frowned as she grabbed his other arm and slung it over her shoulder.
"Alright Steven, take it easy. Let's get you inside quickly. It's about to start."
She said as they walked inside.

She'd ask about what happened later.
Neither of the women or Steven noticed a truck that had pulled into the driveway.

Steven stood at the alter, fresh and clean as Ms. Gally began to play 'Here comes the Bride'. Everyone stood up and awed as Denise in her beautiful gown strutted down the aisle. Steven smirked at her, but his brain suddenly hurt.

"(Y-Y/n)... I'm not feeling too well..." he whispered behind him.
(Y/n) gently pat his back and nervously grinned.

"That's ok. You're probably just really nervous. Don't you chicken out now."
Steven snorted before grinning widely as Denise stood in front of him.

(Y/n) ignored the ever growing jealousy and heartbreak as Steven lifted the bride's vail.
However, she noticed something oddly strange about his hands.

Denise smiled up at him, but soon lightly gasped in shock, the maids of honor gasping as well.
"W-Wow. You're glowing."
Steven rolled his eyes. "No honey, you're glowing."

(Y/n) placed a hand on his shoulder.
"No, Steven. You don't understand. You're, like, actually glowing. You're green!"

Steven frowned before looked down at his hands.
"Oh no..."
Suddenly, he began to grow.
He groaned and reached out for his bride.

Said woman quickly backed away in fear as Steven grew. He quickly turned to (Y/n), who also backed away slightly.

Wendy clutched onto her husband.
"Oh, my gosh!"
"What's going on?! What's happening here?!" Denise demanded.
"You're all shrinking!" Steven said as his hair slowly began to turn white. His clothes began to stretch along with him.

"Uh-uh! You're growing!" (Y/n) gasped.
"Well, make it stop!"
The priest turned to (Y/n) and shook her.
"You're with the law! Do something!"

(Y/n) sneered.
"Does it look like I can do anything about this?!"
He then quickly dialed a number on his phone and screamed into it.
"Get me the government!" He pushed a woman out of the way and leaped out one of the stained glass windows.

"This is impossible! No, this can't be happening!" Steven shouted, his voice booming against the walls and shaking the room. (Y/n) rushed to stand in front of him.
"Steven! You have to calm down, ok? You're gonna be alright!"

A woman screamed and ran, making the other guests panic and fearful as well. Everyone stood up and ran for the front door.
Steven panicked and reached out for the people. "Wait, wait. Everybody, it's OK! Have some champagne while we're figuring this out!"

Mama Dietl shook the door as she desperately tried to open it.
"Thumbs Thumbs!"
Everyone pushed her out and dashed out of the church.

Denise gasped in fright before quickly running as well.
"Denise Wait!"
Steven called out.
His body, however, continued to grow more and more.

He leaned down on the floor and groaned in pain.
He turned to the woman beside him and cried out with a fearful expression.
"(Y/n)! Help me! Uggggh!" He pressed his back up against the ceiling.
"It's ok! I'm right here! I'm right— Oh man..."

As the roof started to break apart, she dodged the falling debris that crashed around her. However, more of the roof caved in and fell on top of her, crushing her under the rubble. "Ack!"

Steven burst through the top of the church, his tux shirt completely in ruins, and watched in horror at the people screaming and crying below. He yelped as he ducked under incoming helicopters.

"Look out!"
"Here comes the groom!"
Wendy clutched onto Carl with fear and worry.
"Oh, Carl! It's his wedding day!"
Two soldiers grabbed them and dragged them away.

Steven quickly looked back down at the rubble in the church and kneeled down in a panic.
"(Y/n)!? (Y/n)?! Please tell me I didn't kill you!"
"Y-You didn't k-kill me!"

He found her stuck under more rubble and moved them off of her with his giant hands.
He then wrapped his fingers around her, gently picked her up, and walked out of the crumbled building.
"Oh my gosh. You're ok. What's happening to me?!"

(Y/n) wrapped her arms around his finger and weakly smiled.
"I-It's ok! Don't panic! Don't worry! And whatever you do, don't drop—"A black rope had wrapped around Steven's arm and jerked him back, making him let go of (Y/n) and sending her screaming as she fell through the air.

Both of their hearts stopped for a moment as Steven watched her fall.
A team of men used a trampoline to catch the woman.
She landed with a grunt and sat up from the middle of it.

"Who are you people?! What are you doing!?" Steven shouted as he struggled against the rope on his arm.
Two large men grabbed onto (Y/n) and began to drag the protesting woman away.
"Let. Me. GO!"
She screamed. Steven yanked his arm back and reached out for her.
"Stop it! Be careful with her!"

"Sorry, ma'am. We need you to evacuate the—"
"Military personal: Agent 18. Assessment background 5-2-1-6-0. Designation: (Y/n) (L/n). Clearance Level: 97. You will unhand me right now unless you wanna eat applesauce for the next two months!" She growled at the men. The two men looked to each other before letting her go.

(Author's Note: ...Imma be honest, I made that up LOL 😂😂😂)

She quickly ran over to a soldier who was aiming a large needle full of an orange liquid.
"Hey! Stop, wait!"
Just before (Y/n) could yank the man's hands away, he shot the needle right into Steven's giant arm.

The giant man yelped before yanking it out and throwing it down on a solider's foot, who screamed in agonizing pain.
Steven suddenly began to sway droopily. He stumbled forward a bit, giving room for the men in black below to trip him with a rope line.

"Watch those cables!"
"He's coming down!"
"Watch out!"
Sure enough, Steven fell forward into the grass with a loud groan.

"Move it, move it! Let's go! Move it, move it!" A guard ordered as a team of men began to throw ropes over Steven. He was able to reach a hand out from beside him as the men began to pull, pinning him down to the ground.

He's droopy eyes landed in (Y/n) as she quickly ran over to him.
"(Y/n)..." he whispered weakly.
The girl's breath hitched as she tried to hold in her tears.
"D-Don't worry Steven. I'm gonna get you out of this." She said as she rubbed his giant forehead with her hand.

Steven appreciated the gesture and curled his arm back toward him to pull the girl closer.
"I will protect you, Steven. I promise..."

Author's Note: I would like it to be known that I do not own anything related to Dreamworks, any of it characters, or the original plot line. I've basically copied and pasted the story structure.

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