Monsters vs Aliens (Pt 9) - Probably the End of the World

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Steven groaned as he began to wake up. He slowly sat up and examined the open vest and matching dark blue pants with stars he was in. He then stood up as he examined the giant room he was in.

There were rows and rows more of the robot he had to fight in San Francisco that were standing there, inactivated yet.
He heard the sound of a device whirling and quickly turned to the source.
But there was nothing there.

Suddenly, a large floating machine zoomed over Steven's head and trapped him in some sort of laser cage.
He lightly touched the bars and immediately yanked his hand back, hissing at the slight pain in his hand.

A low chuckle made him snap his head in front of him. A skinny alien with a huge brain and lots of feet hovered on a floating device in front of him.

"You must be terrified. You wake up in a strange place, wearing strange clothes, imprisoned by a strange being floating on a strange hovering device. Strange, isn't it?"
Ginormico glared. "Hardly. It's not the first time."
Gallaxhar blinked.

"Wow. You really get around... Ahem. To the extraction chamber!"
The hovering cage began to follow Gallaxhar.
"Look. What is it that you want from me?"
"You have stolen what is rightfully mine!"
"I didn't steal anything from you."
"You're enormous, grotesque body contains Quantonium, the most powerful substance in the universe."

The alien smirked at the gigantic male human.
"Did you really think you could keep it from me?"
Steven's glare harden.
"That's what this is all about? You destroyed San Francisco, you terrified millions of people... You killed my friend, just to get to me—?"

"GAH KAKAKAKA! Silence! Your voice is grating on my ear nubs. It's a shame you won't be around to see what the power of Quantonium can do in the tentacles of someone who knows how to use it!"
Ginormico rose his fist. "I know how to use it just fine!" He punched the glowing red bars, but was zapped again.
Gallaxhar grinned. "Don't bother. That force field is impenetrab—ACK! What the Flagnard?!"

Steven had sucked in the pain and punched his fist through at the small alien.
Then, he began to pry the bars open, making Gallaxhar fly away to a large door.
Steven caught the top of the cage that had now fallen and threw it toward Gallaxhar.
However, just before it could hit him, it slammed against the now shut door.

"Ha!" cried Gallaxhar.
"That should stop your puny—!"
Steven smashed the door down, forcing the alien to quickly float away and scream at his computer.
"Computer, close door, hangar two!"
"Close door, hangar three!"
"Door, hangar four!"

Steven continued to smash his way through and keep up with the evil being.
Gallaxhar ran out of doors, so he zoomed toward the large pipes, sure that his opponent wouldn't be able to reach him.
...He was wrong.

He narrowly escaped Steven as he smashed holes into the piping. The giant man did manage to hit the floating device, making it spin out of control to the lower bridge.
Steven smashed a hole through the roof and jumped down to the bridge as well.
He slowly rose to his feet with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

Gallaxhar gulped with fright, but looked over to his trap. He ran and smirked at Steven, who quickly began to give chase.
However, just as he was about to grab the slimy villain, he was trapped inside yet another containment.
Gallaxhar's lips smirked, but soon dropped as Steven began to pound at the glass.
A large crack resonated throughout the room.

"Computer, begin extraction!"
Greenish light began to swirl around in the extraction chamber as Steven continued to pound away.
However, the quantonium was quickly leaving his body, shrinking him and his attempts to escape.
Steven weakly slapped his hand at the glass once more before falling to the floor.

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