Monsters vs Aliens (Pt 6) - Stretch Your Legs

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"So let me get this straight, Monger. You want us to fight an alien robot." Link asked as he and the rest of the monsters stood on one of the moving platforms. (Y/n) stood next to B.O.B. with curiosity as they moved along.
General Monger nodded as he drove his Jeep next to them.

"And, in exchange, the president of these United States authorized me to grant you yor freedom."
(Y/n)'s eyes widened and she turned to Steven with excitement.
He grinned down at her.
"I can't believe it! Soon, I'll have Denise back in my arms... literally..."
The Missing Link smirked.

"I can't wait for spring break back at Cocoa Beach just... freaking everybody out." (Y/n) laughed as the platform stopped and everyone walked toward the plane.
"And I'll go back to my lab and finally finish my experiments."

"No, no! That's me, B.O.B." Dr. Cockroach said.
"Then, I'll be a really giant guy."
"That's Steven, B.O.B." (Y/n) grinned.
"Fine. Then I'll go back to Modesto and be with Denise."
"Yea that's still Steven, B.O.B."
"I think I, at least, deserve a chance to be with Denise!" B.O.B. said as he slithered onto the plane last.

"Ok fine. What about if I bottle up my feelings of love for a man that I know will never love me back due to previous arrangements already being made and become a military officer in a secret base."

(Y/n) froze up and blushed hard as Dr. Cockroach and Link turned and looked at her.
Steven frowned in confusion.
"Huh? Who—"
"yES! I-I mean— *cough* Sure, B.O.B. Y-You can do that." (Y/n) said quickly.
"A-And I could help you with that too!"

The blue blob gasped.
"You'd do that? For me?" (Y/n) chuckled before patting him on the head.
"Ok good. But to be honest, I was using your back story. I'm really gonna eat giant buildings!" B.O.B. said loud enough for the rest of the gang, especially Steven, to hear.

(Y/n) groaned.
"No, B.O.B.— Nevermind..." Steven snickered before leaning down to the woman's level.
"So, you're NOT too busy for a man." Steven smirked.

"Look here Murphy. I could still kick your giant butt if I wanted to." The girl sneered, pushing at his nose.
He laughed and teased at her while she argued with flustered cheeks.

"So, who's the not-so-lucky guy?"
"Hey! Any guy would be lucky to have me!"
"Yea, about as much luck as Insectosaurus flying. All I want is a name."

"Steven, I swear—"
Dr. Cockroach and Link made a knowing look at the two best friends.
Oh yea. That's a match made in heaven.

The giant plane zoomed over the heads of millions of people that had been ordered to evacuate the city. It landed on a highway on the other side of the tall buildings.
When the hanger dropped, Monger drove down in his Jeep.

"Let's move out!"
(Y/n) held onto the railing of the Jeep and hopped off. She had changed into her black military pants with a sleeveless combat purple shirt. She shield her eyes for a moment with her black fingerless gloves as she looked around the horizon.

(Author's Note: It's basically like Kim Possible's spy outfit with the purple shirt. Just imagine it with no sleeves either. You can look it up.)

When Steven has stepped out, he too looked around before smiling widely.
"This is San Francisco! This isn't far from my home!"
"Feel the wind on your antennae. Isn't this wonderful?"

"I haven't been outside for 50 years. It's amazing out here!"
"It's a little hotter than I remember. Has the Earth gotten warmer? That'd be great to know. That would be a very convenient truth."
(Y/n) smiled at her friends as they relaxed for a bit.

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