April 1869.

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the night brings with it the moon, rippling waters, and truths silenced with his mouth hot on your skin.

the night brings with it the moon, rippling waters, and truths silenced with his mouth hot on your skin

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The chilly evening wind of coming spring sweeps a scattering of fallen leaves across the courtyard. It ripples through the sleeves of your jeogori as you descend from the stone veranda of your quarters towards the private palace gardens. The two guards who stand at the entrance move wordlessly aside upon seeing you, offering you slight bows that you return. Past this barrier, the tall, reaching trees hang against the darkened sky, heavy branches scratching invisible marks over the moonlight. You follow the set path with steady footsteps, passing blooming shrubs with a yawn on your lips. The day has been long and your eyes are sore from studying medicine with only a dim lamp for company. But the breeze - it whisks away fatigue with an enviable ease.

The path winds along the expansive pond. Water lettuce and lily pads cover most of the liquid surface, lining the makeshift island that houses your favorite: the grand pavilion. Recently renovated on the king's direct instruction. You move closer, slippers leaving stone to scrape the thin wooden bridge.

Something in the dark shifts.

Your eyes fall upon a shadow. Your steps stutter, then quicken.


The king sits on the left bench, near the open front that has yet to be replaced, with a casual arm draped over the intricate banister. He doesn't stir at the sound of your deliberately soft voice, his gaze remaining mired on something in the distance, far beyond the pavilion's, or perhaps even the palace's, reach. His hat is abandoned beside him, the topknot slightly loose where it is bound on his head.

"May I join you?"

He waves his hand absently.

You consider your options, but ultimately take advantage of the pavilion's half-finished state and sit on the very edge with your legs tucked under you in a traditional kneel. You cannot even remember the last time you've sat together like this - out in the open outdoors, away from the tightly-drawn curtains of his chambers and away from prying eyes. Only now do you realize how much it had been missing. "The willow trees have grown out nicely," you offer, what you hope is a safe topic. You watch a lily pad drift idly by. "I hope the lotus flowers bloom well this year. The pond truly felt so empty last season without their color. I—"

"Is it commonplace for subjects to inflict idle chatter on their king?" The ice in his voice is a slap across the face.

You shut up immediately. Nervously swallow too, but the heaviness in your throat remains stuck. You've become uncomfortably familiar with that tone, the quick temper that flares up in seconds but takes its time to dissipate. A part of you wants to retreat and hide; the other can never bear to leave him. Ever so slightly, chewing on the inside of your cheek, you turn your head instead. Take your first good look at him and almost gasp at how gaunt he looks in the sparse light. Nor do you expect the deep purple settled beneath his eyes. If this had been ten or even just two years ago, you wouldn't hesitate to mention it but with things as they are, you are so nervous to speak and...

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