May 1869.

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just this once, you let yourself be a little braver.

A balmy wind drifts through the open window of your bedchamber, making ripples upon the freshly made spread

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A balmy wind drifts through the open window of your bedchamber, making ripples upon the freshly made spread. You stand in sunlight before the mirror, tracing the faint remnant of the bruise on your collarbone, left by the king's hungry mouth too many nights before, and wish absently that the mark will stay for at least a few hours more.

As the days grow longer, his visits have become far less frequent, though the minutes he spends indulging in your heat seem to extend ever so slightly in turn. The explanation that leaves your heart intact is that he is occupied by overseeing the administration and results of the national civil exam, the gwageo that took place a few days ago and will bring a new group of eager scholars into the palace. You try very hard not to think about the possibility of his finding his way to another woman's bed, even though he is well within his rights to. Even though it is expected of a king to have handfuls of consorts in his court. He has, thankfully, spared you of such truths, like he continues to spare you of any details about his life. Theoretically, that makes it easier to not get so attached. Theoretically.

With an exhale, you re-adjust the collar of your blouse to hide the mark and put on your hat before stepping out into the sun, holding a book that you intend to return to the king's library.

As you walk towards the building, you soon realize there's a man you've never seen before in green scholar's robes in front of the shuttered doors, pacing back and forth as the dark samo on his head bobs from the effort. What's he doing? While people may pass by here, they rarely linger.

When the man spots you, his gaze seems to brighten. "Excuse me, uinyeo-nim!"

You come to a stop before him, taking in the wane of his eyes that are like friendly crescents. "Good morning. How may I help you, Scholar...?"

"Park." He smiles. "I'm one of the newly admitted scholars."

"Scholar Park. Congratulations on passing the exam." You return his smile with a small one of your own though you remain on your guard, no matter how kind he seems. Most of the current scholars treat you with disdain (though they at least attempt to veil it on the king's account, you are certain), as you are a woman and thus beneath them, no matter if the texts you've read could rival theirs. This Park must be brilliant though, if he passed the rigorous exam at such a young age.

"Thank you. I'm excited to begin my work! But..." He bites his lip. "The head scholar asked me to obtain a copy of Bang Si-Hyuk's latest text, and the royal library said that only the king has a copy..." His expressive face falls and you, with a twinge of endearment, think he might be an awful liar if he ever tried. "Would you happen to know how I might borrow from the private library? Should I request an audience with the king? Are there official forms to follow? I really don't wish to misstep."

You stare at him quietly, contemplating whether or not you should reveal that you have such access.

He nervously seems to take your lack of answer as confusion. "Yes, I am aware that I should have asked my fellow scholars but they are all so much older than me and I'm afraid that they will take me less seriously than they already do if I cannot complete such a simple task on my own... But no one else has walked by here and I do not want to go back empty-handed and..." He trails off, giving you a look of absolute desperation that warms your heart, despite your reservations.

"Scholar Park. I can retrieve the book for you, if you promise to return it within a few days." The king wouldn't notice that it's missing anyhow, not with how busy he's been. That, and you get the feeling that the older scholars have been playing a bit of an initiation joke on this poor boy.

"Really? You will? Thank you, uinyeo-nim!" He breaks into a huge grin. "Oh, but uinyeo-nim, how do you have access to the king's libra..."

You can practically see the moment it clicks in his mind that you are that physician, the one who's name is irrevocably tangled up with the king's.

It seems palace gossip is not exempt even from those who have only entered the grounds the day before. You can literally feel the turmoil going on within him as he tries to figure out how to address you, whether or not he should give you the respect of the king's consort even though you are technically not one in the slightest. Just a lowborn, a hole, even a witch doctor that has bewitched jeonha, as those less polite than this boy have put it when they thought you were out of earshot.

"Hm?" You prompt like a masochist, wanting to see what he says. Wanting to see if it'll hurt you some more, or if you've finally gone blissfully numb.

"N-Nothing, uinyeo-nim."

You were right. He's an awful liar.

But you get the book for him anyway, and see him off with promises to meet you back here two days later for the return. Your reality is none of his fault, after all.

That night, the king drops by with little decorum. Opens the door to your chambers and strips off his robes, like he always does. Though this time as he kneads your bare chest in his calloused fingers, pinching the peaked nipples so hard you whimper, you are filled with a need for some scrap of certainty. You want to wipe that coolness from his eyes for even one second, to stoke some intimate fire from him that says he still remembers how you used to be together. How it used to be easier than this. Closer, even though now you know how thick his cock feels as he robs you of air.

"You—ah—you've been busy, jeonha?" It's been getting marginally easier to talk to him like this in the moonlight, his hands making a mess of you. "It's been quite some time since you've come."

"What, are you that needy for a fuck?" He smirks, but it's a look more dark and dangerous than playful as he reaches down and finds you soaked. You think you feel the ghost of that word lingering around his question, but it is a small blessing that has not said it aloud since that night in April.

Your face flushes hot. "I-I was just wondering..." You shouldn't mention it. You really should hold your tongue, but you're sick of being trapped in your own mind, going in circles with your own insecurity. Just this once. Just this once you want to let yourself ask— "I thought... That perhaps you had taken another conso—oh!" You're cut off by an abrupt inhale as he sinks two nimble fingers into your cunt. One smooth stroke takes him so deep, only for him to pull out to use the translucent wetness he's gathered as lubricant along his shaft.

"You think I have time for other women?" He snaps. His stare is intense, but you can't see a single lie in their depths. "Never have."

Then he takes you so roughly, you think the bed might break from all the rattling. You have to blink away white spots in your vision when you come and he doesn't say much more to you for the rest of the night, but you're smiling almost deliriously all the way through with your nails scratching faint red down his back, the bracelet he gave you dragging over his skin from its home on your wrist. Never, your mind echoes, again and again.

Against all the odds. Against anything you would have expected. Even if he keeps you at arm's length to the thoughts in his heart, it's still the chance three-step skip of a grey stone across a rippling pond.

You're the only one.


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