Interlude: September 1865.

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yet, even the darkest night must break to dawn.

As the sun dips steadily into the horizon, Prince Yoongi pulls open the door to the male infirmary to find it relatively quiet

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As the sun dips steadily into the horizon, Prince Yoongi pulls open the door to the male infirmary to find it relatively quiet.

Working on the bed immediately inside, you look up with delight. "Seja-jeonha!" Your voice may be hushed, but the joy in it is indisputable. (Yoongi quickly suppresses his instinctive smile.) "Good evening. You're here to check on the patients again?"

"Seja-jeonha," the two male physicians echo with bows.

"Yes," Yoongi says, walking in until he stands by your side. "They are my people, after all. And how are they?"

"Doing well. This soldier," you gesture with a hand at the man before you, "we were most worried about, but he's beginning to recover. The doctors shouldn't need me anymore after tomorrow, but I'm glad I could help. I learned so much." Your smile is easy, content.

Yoongi likes that look on you. It's only in the past few months that it's really started to return, though he understands why. He's never had to deal with the pain of losing a parent, but he can imagine how scary it must be. For the first few months, though you stayed, you lived in the palace like a ghost. You rarely dropped by the library anymore, and when you did, you were silent, save for clipped greetings and farewells. Even when Yoongi commanded Eunuch Kim to bring you secretly pilfered treats from royal tributes, you barely acknowledged them. It bothered him more than he cared to admit. But slowly, day by day, you've been becoming yourself again.

Crossing his arms, Yoongi watches you change the patient's bandages. You're quick, and skilled enough to do it without hurting or jostling the man too much. That's why the doctors had asked for your assistance in the first place. In the past year, you've more than proven yourself to have a natural affinity for medicine. But more than your aptitude for memorizing facts and properties is your passion. Yoongi can see it, can feel it, how much you love your work just as your mother had. It makes him feel somehow proud, though he can't explain why.

"The bandages have been changed, uiseng-nim," you report to the head doctor.

He nods. "You may take your leave."

You bow, and prepare to do exactly that. You were clearly not expecting Yoongi to come with you, for you give a little start when you turn to close the door and almost slam it in his face.

"I'll walk with you."

"Oh gosh, no, please don't trouble yourself. It's not far away."

Yoongi frowns. "Are you going to question the prince?"

You instantly shut your mouth and he lets out a rare, low chuckle. Then he starts walking towards your quarters, leaving you to catch up behind him.

As you walk side by side, you swing your head up and let out a noise of wonderment. "Wow, the moon is beautiful tonight." It's not quite full yet, but it's so bright, suspended in the sky amidst a smattering of stars and a few stray clouds.

"Mhm." He looks only briefly before turning back to you. "It's Chuseok soon."

"That's right! I've been helping the maids prepare their special hanbok for the palace celebration. Jungjeon-mama is planning some very extravagant events this year, I've heard."

"Yeah, she is. But the town is celebrating too."

You give a tiny sigh. "Oh, I know. Mom used to take me every year, back when I was a kid. Oh, they would always be the most wonderful nights. They had the paper lanterns, the music, the dancing. And ssireum! Mom always loved the wrestlers." Your smile is one tinged with memory and wistfulness, but to your credit, you don't cry. You keep smiling, even though it looks like it takes all the strength you have.

"Do you want to go this year?"

You almost trip on thin air. "T-Together?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Yoongi quirks an eyebrow as if he's just asked you what the cooks have planned for dinner.

"How would we even go? The guards will let me out, but certainly not you, jeonha."

You're almost at your room, but neither of you notice.

"But do you want to go?" He waits a beat then adds, "...with me?"

You don't even hesitate. "Of course!"

"Then I'll take care of it. Just be ready at nightfall."

Your smile grows brilliant at that, if a little shy too. "O-Okay. I will." You're about to keep walking again but then he points to your destination, right beside you.

"Goodnight then," he says, and hurries away before you can see the budding pink of excitement on his cheeks.

"Goodnight then," he says, and hurries away before you can see the budding pink of excitement on his cheeks

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a/n: an interlude chapter is one from his pov! also please do vote/comment if you are enjoying the story. it means a lot! ♡

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