June 1869.

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you've never been able to hide from him.

The moment you reach your private chambers, you collapse against the door

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The moment you reach your private chambers, you collapse against the door. Your heart softly shudders with strain as you finally let the first tears fall, trickling steadily down your cheeks. The bundles you carried in fall to the floor as you cover your face with your cold hands, trying to stifle the quiet sobs that seem so determined to come.

You had gone into town after your work today. Walked down, escorted by a guard that you pretended wasn't there. (The king now insisted upon such a thing whenever you left the palace walls, but you could tell the guard thought the job much beneath him.) You had just finished picking up a few ingredients from the market traders and was on your way to see if the bookstore had received new products when your attention had been caught by the sizeable crowd gathered outside the town clinic.

"Please, please, give me medicine for my daughter!" The peasant woman clutched a child that couldn't have been more than two years old. The babe's crying was as raucous as the yelling, the noisy mix of voices all clamoring with want.

"I need to see someone! My side— It hurts every day. I can't work anymore. My family's going to starve. I need treatment!"

The physician's assistant stood on the clinic steps with folded arms and a bitter, hard look on his face. "Are we running a charity? We need to eat too! If you can't pay, you can't see the doctor!" He slammed the door in their faces, leaving them out in the sweltering heat, crying out that they could pay next week or as soon as they could, they just needed help right now, but the door remained shut.

Your chest felt stiflingly tight at the sight, compassion's hand squeezing hard around your heart because you knew you could help. You had to help. You took a step forward, ready to offer your services only to have the guard block your way.

"Su-uinyeo-nim. We must return to the palace."

"No, I want to stay."

He shook his head. "It's too dangerous. They could harm you." And if they did, then his own head would likely be on the chopping block. Ridiculous.

"They won't. They just need treatment, and I'm a physician." You didn't have many of your tools here but you could at least take a look, provide a diagnosis or recommend some easily obtainable herbs.

"The king would not approve of putting yourself in danger."

You opened your mouth only to shut it. The king wouldn't approve of a lot of things, but how could you just stand here and do nothing? These people, they needed your skills.

You took another step forward.

"Su-uinyeo-nim." The guard's voice was firm. He indicated for you to start walking away, towards home.

You shot him a stare, the hardest look you could conjure, but didn't move. Not yet, damn it.


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