Summer 1871.

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not you. not you. not you.

 not you

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Her name is Seong-min.

She is to be the bandage pressed onto the disaster the Americans have left behind in their hasty retreat to China, after the king redirected forces and sent further reinforcements to Jakyak Island to fully drive them out of Joseon waters. Indeed, while the foreign soldiers might physically be elsewhere, the threat of them, bolstered by fresh memories of the initial brutality at Ganghwa, continues to leer over the country you love.

Thus, a royal marriage, with all the festivities it brings, becomes the perfect distraction.

It's an all-encompassing way to reinforce the people's pride in Joseon and the ruling family, while providing a needed boost to the economy. Even the royal advisors on Yoongi's side have to admit this. Even you must admit this, even though the taste of it lingers unbearably bitter in your mouth.

These days, Yoongi is kept far too occupied with his duties, all the international politics, to visit you. It is just as well, you think as you crush herbs to smithereens in your stone bowl. The distance will prepare you, ease you into the life you will have after the official ceremony. An existence without him, since you cannot ever be an official concubine. Besides, he has never suggested such an arrangement in the first place. (And you are smart enough to understand what that implies all on your own.)

The smallest blessing is that so far, you have managed to mostly stay away from Seong-min. She tends to spend her time in her own quarters, the temporary ones allotted to her pending a move to Gyotaejeon Hall after she officially becomes queen. You've caught a glance of her only once, by accident, when you were walking across the grounds to treat one of the palace maids. She was surrounded by attendants, draped in luxurious clothes. You purposefully turned your head away then, not knowing if she would recognize you. Afraid of what she might do if she did, with all the power she now has.

The bowl in your hands slips. It clatters, spinning away on the table as it nearly plummets to the ground. "Ah—!" You fumble for it, catching it just in time to save its contents from spilling everywhere.

But then a small knock sounds, interrupting your relief. You brace. What now? What could come for you now?


The soft, calming voice sends a new ripple of comfort through you.

"Come in."

Scholar Park pads into your workspace clutching books, one of which being a volume of Master Taehyun's work that he borrowed a few days prior. He sets it down on the table. "Thank you for letting me borrow this! I was scolded by the head scholar when I overslept this morning but..." The darkness under his eyes can't stop his mischievous glimmer. "I couldn't stop reading."

"Glad you enjoyed it," you say, trying for a smile but you can feel how your face strains from the small effort. Your tone is no more cheerful either, despite your want to put on at least the illusion of normalcy.

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