July 1869.

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does some part of him still remember the smiles you once shared?

Today, the sky is an overcast of grey clouds, promising at least a few drops of rain before hopefully giving way to the sun as you weave through the crowd in the town marketplace with a package in hand

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Today, the sky is an overcast of grey clouds, promising at least a few drops of rain before hopefully giving way to the sun as you weave through the crowd in the town marketplace with a package in hand. "Uinyeo-nim!" A bright voice cuts through the bustle of citizens trying to do their best to earn their living.

You turn, and smile when you see a face you've come to know rather well in the past month. "Scholar Park!"

He clutches a bundle of books in his arms as he walks up to you. "If I had known you were going to town, I would have waited for you."

"You are kind, but I always have an escort." You gesture to the guard assigned to you today, another stern-faced man with one hand on his sword at all times.

Scholar Park presses his full lips tightly together at the subtle reminder of your status. "Right. Well, at least we can walk together now! Are you finished with your errands?"

"Not yet. I have one last stop. We're almost there, actually." You fall into a comfortable step, keeping your pace light as you begin to walk forward again. "What're you studying today?"

He groans. "I have to memorize all the guidelines on taxation. Even though they seem needlessly complicated, and I am far from interested in that area. I would much rather focus on agriculture."

"But you're working hard on it anyway, right? Not sneaking in any romance novels in with the texts?" You grin, giving the books a light poke with a finger.

"Um! No, of course not!" He denies it too quickly, and you make a note to bring him one of your favorite books later to see if he'll take. Master Taehyun's novels have only gotten better as the years pass, and his latest is a riveting story about a dashing young soldier and his childhood friend, who disguises herself as a man to bravely join him in the military ranks.

For now, you let Scholar Park off with a smile. "We're here."

Before you, Chun-ja scowls down at her son with a loose fistful of his hair caught between her fingers. "Yah!" She yells, "how could you break another plate?! I told you, no more running inside!"

"Sorry mom..." The kid shuffles from foot to foot, glancing to the side for a way out. His guilt-ridden face lights up when he sees you approach: the perfect escape plan. "Uinyeo-nim!" He runs towards you, slipping out of Chun-ja's grasp before barreling right into your stomach.

You laugh as fondly pat his head. "Hey there, Han-jae." Then you give him a knowing look. "You're causing trouble for your mom again?"

"When is he not, is the question." Chun-ja rolls her eyes, but in good humor now that you're here. "It's so great to see you. Grandma's going to be overjoyed you could come. Let me go get her."

"Here. Take these books I brought for you first." You hand her the package, which she accepts with a grateful bow. "Oh, and Eunuch Kim included some for you as well. With a letter."

Chun-ja flushes, her smile easily pulled wider at the mention of the kind man before she disappears through the door.

Left alone, Han-jae turns his head to the man beside you. "Who're you?" Han-jae asks Scholar Park, regarding him with some suspicion. "Are you with uinyeo-nim?"

"A scholar. Who're you?" is the reply, said with the same amount of maturity in the tone (though you can tell Scholar Park is mostly playing along. You think.)


They stare each other down, and you leave them be to sort out whatever man to man fixation they've got going on as Sook-ja opens the door. "Uinyeo-nim!" With a huge smile, she immediately pulls you into a warm hug. She soon proceeds to interrogate you about your health and the importance of drinking hot water, even in summer, before she pushes a box of colorful dasik treats into your arms, making you promise to give some to the young lord that is still most definitely not your betrothed. Inevitably, Han-jae tries to steal a sweet before long and you're forced to play keep-away from the rambunctious boy for a little while until you're breathless, but smiling so hard your face hurts.

Even as the rain starts to fall on your way back to the palace, today is, without a doubt, a good day.

At the palace gate, upon your return, you are immediately instructed to go to the king's quarters. You bid goodbye to Scholar Park as the guard escorts you through the palace grounds. You wish you could change, as your hanbok is rather soaked, but there is no time.

As soon as you enter his room, you sense a tension in the air, a thickness that makes you feel uneasy. The king sits at his desk, his back straight as he intently studies parchments. You know he was scheduled to have a particularly grueling meeting today, and it seems to have taken its toll on him by the scowl on his face. You aren't sure whether to announce your presence again, and are just mulling it over when—

"Where were you?" He snaps, his stare still on the papers. "You weren't in your room."

"I was in town, jeonha."


"With the guard. And with Scholar Park."

Now he looks up. His eyes are narrowed as he takes in your damp appearance. "Park? That recently acquired academic?"

"Yes, we met by coincidence in the market."

"I see." His attention is drawn downward once more as he flips the page. "Strip."

"N-Now, jeonha?" He will have you, even when he seems wrapped up in his reading?

"Unless you would rather catch ill, su-uinyeo-nim."

Oh. Your chest tightens ever so slightly at the unexpected reason. You do as he instructs, peeling off the outer layer of your blouse and skirt before hanging them over a nearby chair.

"I, um, saw Sook-ja-nim in town. She's doing well. She asked after you, and asked me to bring you these dasik."

You wonder if he remembers her. And if he does, if he even cares. Still, you pick up the box and approach the desk to set it carefully on the solid surface. He watches you lift the lid to reveal the assortment of sweets, but doesn't reach for them.

"You don't wear it anymore," he says suddenly, his eyes concentrating on your skin. "The bracelet."

Instinctively, you wrap fingers around your bare wrist. "I'm sorry. It broke." (An accident with a sharp edge just last week. You still keep the pieces in a small case buried beneath your clothes, but you don't tell him that.)

"I'll send Eunuch Kim for another one."

"But that's not the..." You shake your head, biting off the truth. "No, thank you, jeonha. There is no need to go to the trouble. It's fine." It could never be the same.

His brow wrinkles at your answer, but he seems to accept what you've said, so he doesn't fight you. Instead, he stands. Takes you in his arms as he leads you to the bed, always the solution when he no longer wants to talk and risk letting you in that tangled, thorny mind of his. Among the luxurious fabrics, he claims you again. Reaffirms over and over with his head between your thighs that you are his, with a fervor that makes you want desperately to believe that he needs you as much as you do him.

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