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"if a man hasn't found something he will die for, he's isn't fit to live"

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"if a man hasn't found something he will die for, he's isn't fit to live"

Detroit, Michigan
| Saige |

Sevyn dropped me and Siyah off at his house in Farmington before leaving out to take care of some business. We sat in his 8,000 square foot home after picking our rooms and putting our clothes away that we got from the mall and whatever we had from Maryland.

Me and Siyah had our driver's license so Sevyn left us his Benz for us to use just in case we got bored sitting at the house until he got back. But me and my sister didn't know what we wanted to do or where we wanted to go honestly.

"Saige" my sister said.

"Hmm" I replied.

"You think we gon be safe here?" she asked me.

I turned to her in confusion to see she had a really concerned look on her face.

Siyah puts on a brave face a lot and tries to cover everything with jokes most of the time but she was still hurting just like me. She would always try to beat herself about the murder of both of our parents because she felt like she couldn't do anything to save them but she was young and it all happened so fast. There's honestly nothing she could've done. I just wish my sister wasn't so hard on herself. Seeing my parents like that was probably the most traumatic experience of my life and to top that off they still haven't found my parents killer. The police couldn't understand why someone would kill both of our parents. They claim it's still an ongoing investigation but I think they just gave up by now.

I just wanted to know who would do something like that to mama and daddy.

"Saige" my sister announced snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah whatever mama and daddy had going on that ain't got nothing to do with us and you know me or Sev ain't gon let shit happen to you YaYa" I replied as a small smile appeared on her face.

"I love you sis"

"I love you more homegirl. Now let's figure out what we about to do I ain't sitting up in this house all day"

"No for real and clearly my dreams of meeting a woman with a fat ass like Ari is over soo" siyah said making me chuckle.

"Oh I meant to tell you! I seen Ciara today at the mall when I was in Victoria Secret"

"Who?" she asked cause she only know people by faces.

"Ci" I replied.

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