Chapter 3 - The Promise

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Months passed, Y/n would come early in the morning with her mum as she started work in our mansion kitchen. I would wait by the window patiently until y/n's face appears and run outside to greet her. After sometime, she would leave to go to school and come back in the evening. She stayed with me until dinner time as she finished work in the kitchen. I never liked my bedtime, because that was the time she kissed me good night and left with her mum and I knew I had to wait until next morning to see her again. On the weekends she will stay with me all day playing and telling stories of fairies and angels as we roamed the garden. We would chase butterflies, hunt for dandelions to blow and pretend to fly with the birds. Whether it was sun, rain, snow or wind it didn't matter, we played through it all. I thought even sitting down to have my meals was a waste of time.

She never talked about her father and always talked about her grandmother and all the fairytales and stories of angels she told her. It seemed her mum and grandmother were her only world and now I had the privilege too. Some nights her mum will have to do extra work and finish late and y/n will stay with me in the library room reading her favourite stories, mostly fairytales. She liked the princes and princesses and the happily ever afters. Mostly I wouldn't have a clue about what she was reading as I would sit there mesmerised by her smile and charm. Sometimes I would rest my head on her shoulder listening to her voice as she reads to me. She would gently pat my cheeks putting me to sleep.

I remember that one particular night. It was lit bright by the full silver moon and the stars. We completely missed the dusk and didn't even realise how quick the night came. She suddenly got distracted from collecting daisies and gasped at the full moon.

Y/n: TAE! Look!'s so pretty, she said pointing at the moon.

Tae: "I know."I mumbled looking at her.

Y/n: you know grandma told me the moon is special.

Tae: how? I questioned her.

Y/n: well, she said if you want to talk to someone who's not with you then you can talk to the moon. Then they will be able to hear it because they will be able to see the moon too. So the moon is your special friend in the sky. That means you can speak to your mummy and she will hear it" just like I speak to my daddy.

She said with her shining eyes in the moonlight

Tae: y/n...where's your dad?

Y/n: not sure. Mummy said he's gone. I don't know where.

The sparkle in her eyes slowly faded.

Y/n: "where's you mummy?"

Tae: "She died when I was 2 years old".

Y/n: "oh!" She dropped her head down sadly.

But quickly looked up at me again.

Y/n: "that means she's become a star in the sky and she might be looking at you."

I snickered quietly  at her attempt to comfort me.

Tae: "It's getting a bit cold, let's go inside. I've something to show you."

Y/n: "what is it?"

She asked excitedly as I grabbed her wrist and walked inside.

Tae: "Open it" I said handing her an ivory velvet gift box. She gasped as she widened her eyes and opened her mouth in surprise.  

Y/n: "wow!'s a necklace ...and it says T...A...E...Tae. It's your name. Is it for you?"

Tae: "no, it's for you. I already got mine" I said revealing the other part of the necklace with her name on it that occupied my neck.

Tae: "You know there's something special about this necklace? If you put yours and mine together it makes a heart. It means I'm always with and you are always with me." I held it together showing her. She squealed gleefully as if I performed some sort of magic.

Y/n: "Thank you." She said standing on her toes and wrapping her arms around me.

Tae: "Will you promise me something?" I asked as I hugged her gently.

Y/n: "hmm?" She released her arms and looked at me puzzled. 

Tae: "Promise me you will be with me forever no matter what happens".

Y/n: "Promise" she stated without hesitation twisting her pinky finger around mine.

Y/n: "Pinky promise" she declared again.

The bright rays of morning sun pierced into the bedroom through the white tulle curtains, making me scrunch my sleepy eyes. I could hear a Man's muffled voice passing orders in a serious voice. I instantly recognised it.

"Dad!", I leaped out of the bed and ran down the stairs.

"Dad..." I screamed in joy as I threw myself into his arms.

Dad: "Taehyung! Oh my boy! Come here" he said with joy as he picked me up.

After a minute if tight embrace he spoke with a concerned voice.

Dad: "Taehyung Grandpa has passed away, we need to leave immediately for our home town to arrange the funeral and other formalities".

I held him tight for few moments before releasing myself from him with tears in my eyes. He pulled me into his embrace again to comfort me. My grandfather worked very hard throughout his life to earn all the wealth and recognition our family now possesses.  After his retirement, my father took over the control of the companies to carry on with his legacy. Grandpa wanted to live in his hometown where he started off his journey as a young man with my Grandma.

Tae: "Is y/n here yet?" I questioned with anticipation as the maid was adjusting my black velvet bow tie, getting me ready for our sad journey.

Maid: "No young master, her mum doesn't start work until 8am today as it's the weekend. So she will be here in about 30 minutes time." She answered as she opened the door of my shoe display.

Waving her hands at the long racks she requested "please choose the one you like young master" with a courteous smile. I pointed to my favourite pair of handmade dark brown Italian leather shoes with one hand as I hugged Toto onto my chest with the other.

Dad: "Are you ready my boy? We need to leave soon" he asked as he walked into the room.

Tae: "Dad can we wait for few more minutes please, I want to say goodbye to my friend." I asked with pleading eyes.

Dad: "Taehyung we are late already" he said with little frustration.

Tae: "please dad..." I begged.

Dad: "ok...make it quick" he stated with a smile.

Monster Love - Version 1 (OLD version) COMPLETED [Ft. Kim Taehyung]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon