Chapter 12 - Chocolate Kisses

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Author's PoV

The maid turned around stopping from whisking the chocolate sauce as she heard the mellow voice. She was met with an innocent smily face peaking into the kitchen through the doorway.
Maid: "Miss y/n..."
She smiled back with a bow.
Maid: "Goodmorning Miss y/n! How can I help you?"
Y/n rolled her eyes and bowed back.
Y/n: "didn't I tell you not to speak to me like I am some sort of princess? You can talk to me normally, I'm just a normal girl".
She leaned against the worktop watching her whisk.
Maid: "I am sorry Miss, I'm afraid I'm not comfortable doing that. Also master V wouldn't like it".
Y/n: "urgh! Forget him, He's not even here. Is he gone to work?"
Maid: "Yes, he left early today."
Y/n: "Hmm...what are you making?".
Maid: "strawberry and chocolate cheesecake, Master V's favourite".
Y/n: "Oh nice...Can I help you?"
Maid: "oh no! I'll be ok. Please don't strain yourself."
Y/n: "Ajumma! Please...I'm so bored". She pouted with puppy eyes.
Maid: "But Miss y/n, you shouldn't be..."
Y/n: "Please...please...I used to help mum. I am good." She begged stopping the maid from finishing her sentence.
Maid: "ok, you can help me find the tray to make it. it should be in the cupboard over there".
She smiled pointing to one of the cupboards above her head.
Maid: "you won't be able to reach it. Here, use this footstool". She pulled it and placed it so y/n can climb on it.
She stepped on it reaching the cupboard and opened it. She started to look through it trying to find it. Having y/n in the kitchen worried the maid slightly as she thought Taehyung might not like it.
Maid: "Miss y/n, I really don't think master V will like it if he sees you helping me."
Y/n: "aaahhh! I told you Not to worry about him...He's not here."

the maid suddenly froze when she turned to open the oven covering her mouth. Taehyung was standing there with his arms folded leaning against the door.
Before she stopped y/n, he put his forefinger on his mouth peering at her signing her to keep quiet. He waved her to leave and she left quickly without making even a little sound.
Y/n was busy looking for the tray in the cupboard but she wouldn't keep quiet. she continued to blabber like a little child.
Y/n: "ajumma...why is he so mean?, he's such a horrible man you know. There's really no need for that. You know something...he actually has a gun. Do you think he kills people? He's a gangster isn't he?...How come the the police don't catch him? And What are his parents doing?!"

He slowly shut the door without making any noise and carried on watching her being a child again with cheeky smirk. He wasn't angry. He was admiring her and what she was doing. She still couldn't reach the cupboard properly so she stood on her toes on the footstool rummaging through it. She wore an oversized shirt not knowing it actually belonged Taehyung and mistakenly ended up in her dressing cupboard. The long sleeves fully covered up to her fingers, its length covered her thighs and sat just a little above her knees revealing her legs. He loved seeing her wearing it, he felt closer to her.

She got tired from looking and couldn't find it. Her neck was aching so she straightened herself and put her hands on her hips and stretched her neck.
Y/n: Ajumma...I can't find it, are you sure it's in here?"
She asked without turning still looking at the cupboard as she adjusted her messy updo. There was only silence.
Y/n: "ajumma! Why are you so quiet?!"
She turned.
She gasped Gaping her eyes. Her fingers scrunched the ends of her oversized shirt sleeve as her breaths got heavier due nervousness. His menacing gaze tied her from moving and she put her head down biting her lower lip in guilt. She noticed that he's finished almost half of the strawberries in the bowel meaning he's been standing there a while listening to everything she said. His feet moved forward making her look to at him. She bent to get down from the stool but he spoke.

Tae: "Stay where you are, or you will be in even more trouble".
She froze back in position with a gulp.

Tae: "go on...continue with what you were doing..."
Y/n: "erm...I...was...It's not there...I've ...looked..."
She could feel his sharp eyes exploring her tip to toe making her body tense. She wanted to get off and runaway from there, but he was right in the way.
Tae: "you wanna get off?"
Y/n: "Mmm Hmmm" she nodded.
He wore an evil smirk on his face.
Tae: "let me help you"
He took couple more steps to the stool and looked at her. She also looked at him confused but the next second she screamed throwing her arms in the air. He kicked the stool...with a bit of force looking at her sending it across the kitchen. She fell screaming in the fear of hitting the floor but he caught her tightly in his arms with a sinister laugh. She coiled her arms around his shoulders tightly burying her face on the side of his neck scared of falling. He wanted her to stay like that forever, for the first time, he felt like she wanted him. But it was only because she was scared. She moved her head and looked at him annoyed with his evil play and unattached herself from him and moved backwards.
He loved it when she was afraid of him and teased her even more. He bit his lower lip tilting his head Moving forward towards her. Her hip hit the worktop edge hinting she cant move back any further. He caged her between his arms by leaning on both sides and moving his body closer. She placed her hands on the worktop for support but unknowingly placed one of her hand into the bowl with the chocolate sauce.
Tae: "ooops! You've made a mess"
He said cheekily. quickly removing the hand that was covered with the sauce, She tried moved towards the sink by detaching one of his arm but he held firm. He grabbed the wrist of her messy hand dripping with chocolate and gradually moved it towards his face.
Y/n: "Nooo...stop"
He wasn't listening. He pressed her messy hand on his cheeks guiding her fingers down to his neck smearing himself with the sticky sauce. He closed his eyes savouring the touches of Her soft fingers on his skin. He opened his eyes and moved closer hugging her.
Tae: " are so messy. Look what you've done!"

She watched him in shock and slightly frowned implying he was the one who made the mess.

Tae: "Clean it" he moved his face closer to hers.
Y/n:"N...No..." she mumbled reluctantly moving her face away.
Tae: "I need to teach you some manners..."
He closed in touching her lips with his and spoke,
Tae: "...when I ask you to do something, you don't refuse. Now, clean it".
She batted her lashes in fear and reached for the kitchen towel but he stopped her.
Tae: "Not with that."
Puzzled by his words, she stood still staring at him.
Y/n: "Then how?" She asked in her mellow voice.
Tae: "I'll show you how..." he winked sticking out tip of his tongue smiling.
He dipped her hand back into the bowl and brought it towards his face again. She tried to pull away but he gripped firmer.

Next thing, she suddenly squirmed her shoulders by his unexpected action. His warm tongue was cleaning off the sauce on her pinky finger before he took it into his mouth fully. She closed her eyes and scrunched her head into her shoulder feeling the tingles from the touch of his tongue. Enjoying her squirms and soft reluctant moans he continued to lick and suck the sauce off her other fingers.

The tip of his nose touched hers and she could smell the delicious trickling chocolate on his face. She turned her lips away closing her eyes thinking he was gonna kiss. He smiled rubbed his cheeks onto hers sharing the mess and kept going until she was covered in it as well. Starting with a small wet kiss on her messy cheeks he moved down. She tried to push him away but he nailed her hands to the worktop with his firm grip. With more kisses he also let his tongue do the work. His wet tongue merrily played on her sweet warm skin cleaning off the melting chocolate. gliding His moist tongue all over her neck and and face he feasted on her silky skin smeared with chocolate. He hugged her tighter as he got high on lust and his breaths heated up. His hands roamed all over her back making her wriggle against his body. It tuned him on even more increasing his desperation. He licked and kissed her neck and jaws, it only increased his hunger for more. Coming back to her face, his hungry Lips cleaned off whatever was left. He suddenly paused looking at her lips.
Tae: "I forgot your lips"
He licked his lips and closed in tilting his head while his hand started to unbutton her shirt.
But a knock on the door made him stop his dirty work.

"Master V...I've got an important news for you!"

Monster Love - Version 1 (OLD version) COMPLETED [Ft. Kim Taehyung]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن