Chapter 2 - A Birthday Wish

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Author's pov

Taehyung took off his black silk robe exposing his half naked body and perfect skin. He was a visual feast
with his tall slender body, broad shoulders, strong neck and well toned chest and abdomen. Resting one
knee on the bed and one foot on the floor, he bent down pulling out a small wooden box from under the
bed. He knows its exact position as he's done this countless number of times.

As he opened it, his eyes filled sadness. A small brown teddy bear stared back at him, there were some
pictures of a small girl and a boy, he looked few years older than her. He was well dressed and was tightly
hugging the girl on one picture while she was holding the teddy bear. On another picture, the girl had her
arms wrapped around the boy's neck with a wide innocent smile on her face. He was holding the teddy
looking at her, lost in her smile.
He softly took out the teddy which once was a bit big for his small hands but now easily tucks into his manly
hand. He gently caressed the necklace tied around its neck, a necklace with a gold broken half heart pendant
that read...Y/n"...taking him back in time.

Taehyung's pov

"My dear Taehyung! Daddy wishes you a very happy 10th birthday. I am sorry for not being with you on your special day as I have a very important meeting. I hope you like your present. Lots of love from daddy", the butler looked at me as he finished reading the message and handed me the present. I pushed itaway with a tight face, I didn't want it. This isn't the first lonely birthday I had, it's one of many.

As I sat there on the floor looking down, I heard a very soft singing getting closer to me. I looked up and I was
met with a pair of twinkling pearly eyes and the most innocent enchanting smile, a little girl holding a brown
teddy. She looked a few years younger than me.

"Hi!" She greeted as she knelt down in-front me keeping the wide sweet smile on her face.
"Are you crying?" She asked widening her eyes.
"No" I shook my head still trying to make myself believe someone like her existed, a little fairy.
"My name is y/n, what's your name?" She asked eagerly.
"I am ...Tae" I said.
"Are you sad Tae?" She questioned.

"Hmm. I don't know maybe" I mumbled shrugging my shoulders.
Y/n: "Why are you sad?" she continued while her eyes became a little serious.
Tae: "Well... it's my birthday, but.." before I even finished my words, her eyes opened wide with
excitement. She suddenly dropped her teddy on the floor and cupped my face with her small soft hands.
Squeezing my cheeks she kissed my forehead with her baby lips.
"Happy birthday!" she said releasing my face. I was dumbfounded by what she did as l've never experienced such a beautiful innocent love from anyone.
Tae: "Why did you do that?"
Y/n: "Because that's how you wish people on their birthdays. Mummy wishes me like that." She said batting her eye lashes
Tae: "No body wish me like that" I said looking at the floor.
Y/n: "Haaah! Your mummy doesn't wish you like that for your birthday?!" she exclaimed.
Tae: "I don't have a mummy".
Y/n: "Oooh no! Where's your daddy?"
Tae: "He's not here, he's always busy".
Y/n: Oh look! You haven't opened your present.
Tae: "I don't want it"
Y/n: "you don't like it?"
Tae: "No" I murmured.
Y/n: "Here, take him. This is my present for you. His name is Toto."
She said, squeezing her teddy into my hands. That was probably her only toy.
I smiled at her kind gesture.
Y/n: "Did you blow out your birthday candle and make a wish?" she asked curiously.
Tae: "no" I murmured again gazing at her.
Y/n: "oh noooo! You didn't get a birthday cake?!" She gasped in shock.
I shook my head slowly.
Y/n: "You look after Toto, I'll be back soon"
She ran out of the room towards the kitchen shouting "mummy".

Moments passed, y/n appeared with a new maid and butler Mr. Wong. The maid was carrying a birthday
cake lit with candles and y/n was following her holding on to her apron.
"Surprise!" They shouted together and started singing happy birthday.
I happily blew out the candles and was going to cut the cake when y/n stopped my hand.
Y/n: "Oh! Not yet! TaeTae need make a wish. Now close your eyes and make a wish." She whispered to me.
"Sweetheart! stop being rude to the young master", the maid instructed with raised eyebrows.
Y/n: "But mummy.TaeTae needs to make wish to the angels remember?"
"Ok, but come here, don't disturb him" she said as she picked her up in her arms.
I closed my eyes and made my wish silently "I want y/n to be with me forever!", she was the first thing I ever
wished for in my life. I've never wanted or longed for anything like this before.
Being the only son of one of the wealthiest men in the world, everything I wanted was at my finger tips before I even thought about it.
But, until I experienced her love and care, I didn't realise something like this even existed. Within a few
hours she became my whole world and her innocent love bound me to her making me her slave.

"Y/n, enough with the pictures now sweetheart. it's time for school, come on now, please excuse us young
Said her mum as picked y/n up apologetically.

"It's ok, but can she come back once the school's finished? or she could even get home schooled with me", I offered with a big smile.
"That's very kind of you young master, thank you. But I think it's best if she continues with her normal
school. I am sorry." Her mum bowed as she held my world in her arms.
"It's ok" I said with a fading smile.
"I'll be back with mummy this evening when she comes back to work, ok? Look after Toto for me" she
babbled wrapping her arms around her mum's shoulder as she was being carried out the door.

Hours passed, I kept looking, through the window checking to see if she was coming.
"Not here yet", I sighed and sat down flicking the pages of a book I wasn't really reading.

Few minutes later, her excited squeal made me jump in joy. I was excited to have her back, After
all, she was the best birthday present I ever had and ever wanted...

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