Chapter 5 - Love shot

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Author's PoV

Jin took the first sip of his morning latte, switching channels on the TV while lying back on the leather sofa. His relaxation was cut short by a phone call.
Jin: "Hi! Talk to me, you got news?" He demanded as he already was waiting for the call.
Voice: "Yes sir, we have a match! The date of birth also matches. I think its the right one this time. The name only appeared on a company interview shortlist 2 days ago, which means she must have travelled here from afar." A male voice spoke from the other end.
Jin: "send me the details of the interview and the location immediately." He ordered cutting the call and then immediately dialling another call.
Tae: "Tell me Hyung..." Taehyung spoke in his deep croaky morning voice.
Jin: "still in bed? Well, You won't be as soon as you hear this! We got a match! Both the name and date of birth. I think we got her! Meet me as soon as you can"
Taehyung: "On my way..." he spoke in a rush as he headed towards the bathroom door.

The tyres of Taehyung's range rover sport screeched opposite Jin's Villa as he breaked to stop from his ferocious speed, yet he continued rev the engine repeatedly even after stopping. As soon as the ear wrecking noise was heard, Jin exited through the wide front doors frowning his eyebrows at Tae for his atrociousness. "Yaaah! You never listen do you? Wrecking my front my yard like that! I better start billing you for these Mr V." He shouted looking at Tae addressing him by his popular nick name. Mr. V, a name by which most of the businesses moguls and his employees acknowledged him. Jin signed to the two Black Mercedes with guards to follow them. Tae let out a wicked chuckle enjoying Jin's frustration.
Tae:"Do we need them Jin hyung?" He asked looking at the rear view mirror reflection of the escort cars.

Tae:"Do we need them Jin hyung?" He asked looking at the rear view mirror reflection of the escort cars. .
Jin: "The interview is at one of Mr. Henney's companies. I'm a bit cautious about him. He still hasn't responded to you for taking out his right hand man. He's a beaten cobra, brewing a potent venom and waiting to strike silently. It's too dangerous! we are not taking chances." He explained with a serious gaze on the road.

Taehyung: "hmm..very wise Hyung." He gave an impressed glance at Jin with a nod.
Jin: "As always..."he boasted opening his hands.
They both laughed while Tae was overtaking the other vehicles moving through the busy roads. Jin noticed his impatience and smirked looking ahead of the road.

"I think this looks ok", y/n thought adjusting her white blouse and slightly tucking it into the black pencil skirt examining her reflection on the mirror of the waiting room.
Receptionist: "Miss y/n?" A lady's voice called.
Y/n turned around smiling at the receptionist, "Yes, That's me", she affirmed with a nervous smile.
Receptionist: "You can go in now, they are ready for you" she directed her hands towards the interview room.
Y/n: "ok thank you", she walked into the interview room.
After about 30 minutes of continuous questions she came out of the room and took a long deep breath in relief. She went to the receptionist and handed in a folder.
Y/n: "Hi! This is the project I was set as part of the selection process. I was told to hand this to you", she said with a smile.
Receptionist: "Ah yes, thank you. That's the end of the process. We will assess your overall performance and let you know about the outcome, thank you."
Y/n: "ok. No problem. Thanks" she politely dismissed herself.
"More waiting...It's not's ok", she sighed calmly thinking to herself as she stepped out of the glass skyscraper in the middle of the city that belonged to Mr Daniel Henney.

The sky was covered in a thick blanket of dark clouds hiding the sun. It almost looked like dusk. y/n stepped down the main stairs from the building heading down to the pavement of the main street. She started to wade through her handbag trying to find her umbrella in the anticipation of rain. But she was suddenly distracted by a tiny bright red flicker of light that hit her polished black heels. She stopped baffled by the strange light, it looked like a laser pointer beam. After a few seconds, the beam was slowly moved away from her heels and towards the street. There were just buildings in the direction where the beam was coming from, which left her more curious forcing her to follow it.

As she came to the side of the street, it disappeared, and she found herself facing the back of a tall man with dark brown hair. He was well dressed, leaning his right arm on the opened car door of the driver seat while with his other hand he held the phone to his ear.

Tilting her head slightly puzzled, she distracted him.
y/n: "erm... excuse me...".
He turned after hearing her soft voice, taking his hand off the car door and turning his body to face her stepping away from his position. The beam that has disappeared a moment ago has now reappeared on y/n's chest, slightly below her left shoulder, close to her heart.  Within milliseconds she gasped in shock as she felt something piercing into her flesh at the speed of light. She felt no pain. A sudden numbness hit her chest sending her into blankness. She fell to the ground on her knees touching her tightened chest with her left hand forcing her eyes to remain open to see what has happened to her. She gasped irregularly for air as her eyes filled with tears involuntarily. Blood seeped out of her chest soaking her white blouse and turning it red. She faintly heard the screams of other panicked women on the streets and random shouts. She felt someone holding her and shaking her. But her eyes finally gave up on her sinking her into darkness.

It was Taehyung who was interrupted from his phone call when he heard y/n's soft voice. When he turned, he was mesmerised in her eyes for a brief moment before he saw her hit by a sudden force and drop slowly. He caught her in his arms as she slid to the ground realising something isn't right.
"Hey! Are you ok?!" He shouted shaking her by holding her shoulders and her face with one of his hands. Seeing her blouse drenching slowly in blood he realised it was a silenced gun shot. Supporting her back on his thigh he ripped open the top buttons of her blouse revealing the bullet wound with the trail of blood. But it was something else which gave him chills sending him into total shock. The heart pendant on her necklace with HIS name. It was bent and wedged superficially into her bleeding wound.

Tae: "Y.../...n...!" he trembled in disbelief.

Jin: "Taehyung! Get in the car! We need to move" Jin yelled while bringing the shooter down from the opposite building with multiple bullets from his handgun . Soon their bodyguards took control of the scene making sure there was no one else posing danger.

Jin: "Taehyung! what are you doing?! Get in the car!". He screamed at motionless Taehyung grabbing his collar.

Tae: "Hyung! She's been hit."

Jin: "let the police take care of her, we need to move!" Jin yelled again in the same tone.

Tae: It's Y/N! Jin Hyung! It's MY Y/N!"
He growled in shock.
Jin: "what?! How the hell...?"
Tae: "Find the nearest hospital! You are driving!" He screamed in his deep voice interrupting Jin as he lifted her in his arms and got into the car.
Jin shot through the busy streets at top speed pushing on the gas blaring the car horn at the other drivers in sheer panic and rush.

Monster Love - Version 1 (OLD version) COMPLETED [Ft. Kim Taehyung]Where stories live. Discover now