Chapter 1

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Hello my lovely readers thank you for reading my book. I want to inform you that this book will not be following the original plot of the show. Love you guys xoxo💜💜

The Original siblings have grown tired of always being targeted by the Scooby Doo gang. First their meddling almost made their mother kill them and every vampire that exists but also killed Kol who tried to warn them about waking up Silas who will cause nothing but destruction but do they ever listen?

I mean come on they sacrifice the ones they love and care about just to protect their lovely Elena who has finally come to terms that she is exactly like Katherine. I mean come on the doppelganger comes from the same bloodline.

With the help of witches they know, Kol was brought back to life and they decided if the day Mystic Falls fall to ruin atleast there won't be anyone here to say it's their fault.

They decided to go to the Crescent City known as the birthplace of jazz, New Orleans.

"Welcome to New Orleans," said Klaus

"Why did you choose here brother?" asked Elijah.

"Well we have history here and I am looking for someone," responded Klaus.

"He was my apprentice and my adopted son plus Rebekah's old flame," he continued as he led him family to where he built a house for them to stay.

Not wanting to alarm his family, Klaus didn't want to tell them that a witch name Jane-Anne Deveraux is plotting against him and he's scared that she'll cause them harm.

He decided if he has to go back to the place he promised himself that he wouldn't go back just to protect his family, then so be it.

They set up the house as he compelled an apartment for his hybrids to reside as he had built a friendly relationship with them after they broke the sire bond. At first he was angry when he found out they conspired together with the help of Tyler and Hailey to kill him but after killing Tyler's mother he got to thinking about everything and decided if they want to be free he'll let them go and if they can forgive him, he'll apologize and so two left and the others became part of his family.

Right now to build back Klaus's trust, Hailey is currently in a bar talking to Jane-Anne.

"Third time in here this week," said Jane.

" I am obsessed with the gumbo Jane-Anne," replied a smiling Hailey.

Pouring out a drink Jane-Anne replied," The old ladies on the ninth ward say my sister Sophie bleeds a piece of her soul into every dish."

"I asked everywhere around the quarter about my family and nothing, " said Hailey as part of her mission was also to find her family.


"Yeah I can't find a single person who remembers them."

"Because Hailey people like you were ran out of here years ago."

Suspicious Hailey eased out of her seat and looked at the brunette asking," What do you mean people like me?"

Stepping from around the counter, the girl went closer to the other and whispered," In the bayou we call the werewolves Garu, you head out there and you'll find out what your looking for."

She then advised the girl to be careful to be careful. Right as the young werewolf left, Jane smiled at her sister as she showed her sister the hair she took without the girl noticing.

While Hailey was now driving to the Bayou using a map, the witchy sisters Jane-Anne and Sophie were walking in a cemetery where they can start their ritual but Sophie was reluctant.

"Don't do it please, what if I'm wrong about her," said Sophie.

"That's the beauty of you, your never wrong," said Jane as she tried to dispell her sister's doubts.

"She's the only one who can lead us to Klaus," she continued.

"Can we get someone else to do the spell?"

"Who? Half the witches don't believe you and the other half are too scared,"replied Jane as she looked at her sister seriously.

"Because they know we're going to get caught Jane-Anne,"shouted Sophie.

"We don't have any other option Sophie."

"This is our town and if we don't fight for it, we might as well pack up and get out."

Taking her sister's hand Jane-Anne smiled and hold Sophie's hand saying," Now go, you know what you need to do." Nodding to what her sister said Sophie left.

Later in the night, Jane-Anne lit her candles as she began her ritual. Still in her car, Hailey continued to drive using a map as her guide. She took a stop near a forest and take out a map to see her location and if she's going the wrong way.

Performing her spell, Jane-Anne caused the map to set on fire surprising Hailey who hurriedly threw the burning map out the window.

Reversing her car, Hailey tried to get out of the forest only for her engine to blow. "Are you kidding me," she said fed up as she got out of the car to look around. Seeing no one will pass through the area.

She then called someone on her phone, "Hello I am looking for a tow service." However due to Jane-Anne's spell she didn't get an answer as a high pitch deafening sound could he heard. To stop it she threw the phone on the group and stepped on it.

Jane-Anne didn't give up though she continued her defenses the witches slowly surround Hailey who became alarmed seeing the the mysterious shadows in the dark slowly close in on her. Just like that Jane-Anne blew out her candles which cause the young Marshall to loose consciousness falling into Sophie's hands as the witches continue to surround them.


Meanwhile in the middle of New Orleans in the French Quarter is a compound called The Abattoir. The Abattoir, also known as the compound, is a very large house in the French Quarters of New Orleans. It was the primary residence of the Mikaelson Family during the 19th century and in the early 20th century. After the Mikaelson siblings, Elijah, Rebekah and Niklaus were forced to flee from New Orleans after Mikael found them and tried to kill them, Marcel Gerard who had lived there with the family as Klaus' adopted son, officially took ownership of the home in their absence.

Inside the compound stood a caramel skinned man drinking blood from a cup. He then walked up to drawer where he took out some pictures of a caramel skinned girl with curly hair who looked happy in the picture.

He then looked placed it in the a photo album with other pictures of the same girl with him from him holding her in his arms when she was a new born to her traveling to be a dancer.

Placing the album back in the drawer he closed it with a key to secure it. The drawer was well protected as he not only made a witch spell the draw but also laced it with vervain so no vampire could open it other than him.

He sat down in his chair still thinking of the girl from the photo when he suddenly smelled blood. He ran to the living room where he came face to face with the older version of the girl from the photo covered in bruises and a torn shirt barefoot.

"Daddy," said the girl before collapsing on the ground.

A/N: Hey my lovely readers I hope you like the first chapter of Who's the daddy. Remember to vote and comment and stay tuned for the next update.

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