Chapter 3

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~Previously on Who's the Daddy~

As he walked away the imagine of a brunette woman who like exactly like the dead one on the ground smiled as tears fell from her eyes. She then slowly disappeared now happy her daughter will be in good hands. Before vanishing she said, "My Ophelia."


Marcel sat down on the chair beside the bed holding the hand of his dark curly haired daughter who was still unconscious. He felt bad for failing to protect her.

He knew being the king of New Orleans would put the ones he cared for in danger, that was why he ensured he and his followers kept the witches in check as well as ran the werewolves out of town.

He couldn't stop the tear that kept falling from his eyes as he couldn't believe he made the mistake of trusting that damn witch. He knew he couldn't keep her where Davina was as the young harvest witch who is now twenty eight years for some reason held deep hatred for the girl as she opposed him for taking in a human.

(A/N: I know in the series she is 16 but I want her to be older here)

He kissed her hand and rubbed it before placing it back on the bed and under the covers. Just then Thierry came into the room after hearing about what happened.

"Oh my gosh what happened to little dove?" he asked.

"A vampire compelled her then rape and fed from her," answered Marcel with teary eyes.

"Me and Katie will find the son of a bitch Marcel," said Thierry as he pat his sire on the shoulder.

"You remember the first time you brought her here?" asked Thierry as he tried to cheer the caramel skinned vampire up.

"Yeah, I remember," he relied with a smile. "You saw me smiling cradling a baby in my arms and said woah I know I told you to look a girl but isn't that one too young," said the vampire as he and his friend laughed at the memory.

Their happy moment was suddenly interrupted when the heard a groan coming from behind them.

"F.....f..father," whispered the semi-conscious girl.

The light brunette haired girl was slowly gaining consciousness as she twist and turned before finally opening her eyes as she came face to face with her father.

"Dad," she cried.

After running to the bed, Marcel held his daughter's hand and wipe the tear that fell from her eyes before asking her if she was ok. Humming as a response,the light brunette haired human hugged her father and cried in his arms as he ran one of hand through her hair and the other to pat her back.

"Ophelia do you wanna tell daddy what happened tonight?" he asked as he pulled away from the hug and looked as his daughter's tear stained face which broke his heart.

"After rehearsal some of the girls decided to go to this club and Amber asked if I wanted to join. Thinking everything would be ok I agreed after calling Agnes for permission and she even said you wouldn't mind. We were dancing and these dudes approached us asking if we wanted to dance with them to which I immediately said no since I realized he was a vampire because of his ring and I knew he was not turned by you or someone along your bloodline," said the girl as the last part made her tear up.

"It's ok baby girl you don't have to continue if you don't want to." coaxed Marcel as he hugged his daughter again.

"No papa it's ok I can talk,"she said as she shook her head in determination.

"Lil Dove he's right we aren't pressuring you,"said Thierry.

"Uncle Thierry it's ok,"she started.

"Anyways after I refused he kept persisting so because I was uncomfortable I tried to leave but Amber wouldn't let me go so we got in a fight and I left. On my way to Agne's I was suddenly dragged away and sped to an alley by the same vampire. He started to compel me, I don't remember what happened after that as I woke up all sore in a shirt with blood all of me. I could hardly walk so limped my way here," she finished.

"It's okay baby Thierry and I will find the fucker but for now you need to rest,"Marcel said as he placed her down on the bed.

"You know dad even though it's sad I'm kind of glad that I can't have a child because I don't know if I could handle knowing I'm pregnant with my rapist's child," she said still teary eyed.

"Don't say that Ophelia ," scolded Marcel as he flicked her forehead.

"Plus dove vampires unfortunately cannot procreate," said Thierry.

"If they could, you and Katie would have a ten kids running around by now," joked Ophelia.

"Alright alright Thierry let's go and you my little one will go to sleep and in the morning I will be serving you your favorite breakfast," started Marcel.

"Cheesy pancakes with waffles and chocolate syrup," continued Ophelia.

"Decorated as a panda with a chocolate chip milkshake," said the father-daughter duo in unison as they laughed.

Kissing the girl on her forehead the eighteen year old said," Goodnight Papa."

"Good night Ophelia," he replied before he tucked her into the bed and left with the brunette haired vampire on his trail as they once smiling face was now replaced with a frown and angry looking eyes.

Reaching the sitting room the vampires the king took a seat as he grabs two glasses as well as two blood bags before pouring them into the glasses as he and his friend sat down to get down to business.

"Mitch, Danielle,Jessica,Fabian,Erica and Jace," called Thierry as the six vampires vamp-sped. To the room and showing respect to their ruler and his right hand.

"Erica and Jessica I need you to guys to go amiss Amber's residence and carry her here please while you guys go find Katie and help her find the vampire and make sure you bring him back alive," said Marcel as he took a sip of the A positive blood.

Saying yes master, the six vampires vamp- sped out of the compound.

The self proclaimed king then turned to his second in command and said, "Thierry I want you to leave and find a large amount of vervain please."

"Why?" the brunette asked his sire.

"When Ophelia recovers I will resume her defense training as well as make her consume vervain everyday. Before I didn't think it was necessary since she would be under Agnes' protection but now I see I was wrong'' he replied as he continued his drink.

"But what if it runs out of her system eventually?" Thierry asked curiously.

"You know your right," said Marcel as he placed the glass down.

"As a parent I wouldn't want her todo this but I have no choice," he said now serious.

"Thierry, our little Dove will be getting a tattoo."

A/N: Hey guys hope you like this chapter.

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