Chapter 20

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For as long as I could remember I've always been known by my siblings and my enemies as Klaus Mikaelson the vindictive psychopathic vampire now hybrid who kills without a hint of remorse and it's not like their wrong but no one realized that underneath all that lied Niklaus Mikaelson the human/untriggered werewolf.

Niklaus was the humanity and Klaus became the poison. Niklaus was just the bastard son of Esther Mikaelson who decided to sleep with another man knowing well enough that she was married and already had kids. One slutty woman my mother was and she denied me the right to meet my biological father while she pretend happy family with the man who abused me.

All I wanted was to prove that I wasn't a failure to get the same attention my siblings got from father. Yes he wasn't shy when punishing us but I got it far worse. I can remember the multiple times my horrible life flashed before my eyes. I always thought that maybe I wasn't trying hard enough that's why I couldn't get his seal of approval but it got worse when Henrik died.

After mother took Henrik's little body away I was left to face the wrath of Mikael Mikaelson for causing the death of his favorite child. How could I forget the night I was left for dead after being beaten to death by my father. Lying there I thought would I really die like this? Would I never get his love or approval?

Then just like that a medium sized wolf appeared out of the trees and remember asking the creature if it'll kill me like how it's friend killed my brother but I passed out before I got an answer. I thought I died but woke up to Ayana's singing as she checked my body. I asked her how I arrived here and she said she saw my body at her doorstep on the brick of death.

When I became a vampire and had my first kill spilling blood it was then that my true identity was revealed and my mother's infidelity came to light. My father being the man he was couldn't accept the shame he got and went on a killing spree killing my biological father Ansel and his family. However it didn't stop there my mother to appease my father sealed away my one connection to my biological father.

The day I killed her the sad little boy who yearned for his father's approval died. It was the day the humanity that I held onto so hard snapped and Klaus Mikaelson was born. I decided since  what I held dear was taken away from me because of him I'll never seek his approval again.

He was hell bent on making us especially me know that I'm an abomination and was ready to kill us his own children and so I took my siblings and we fled. I'm not going to say that I'm sorry for daggering them because I'm not as it was either they laid temporarily dead than permanently.

It was during our escape from Mikael that my siblings and I ended up staying at Count Martel's castle where I met her Aurora de Martel. The first time I saw her I took fancy in here and it cemented when we got together and I  spent time with her. She brought him back, she brought Niklaus back when she accepted me for the horrible person I am for accepting me when I revealed to her that I killed my mother.

When I caught wind that Mikael was close I asked her to run away and be with me when I leave with my family and she said yes. She turned to be with me and I knew then that I was slowly falling in love with her. But like everything else in my life this ended the same with the woman I was falling in love with told me that I'm pathetic and undeserving of anyone's love.

My heart broke and I decided to close my heart but I didn't listen and tried to pursue Caroline a baby vampire who'd place the happiness of her friend Elena the latest doppelgänger instead of her own and she used my affection for her to help kill my siblings and I.

I felt nothing for Hayley when I slept with her so it came as a shock when I found out she was pregnant with my child but all I could think of was would I even be a good father when I didn't have one myself. The closest time I came to being a father was when I adopted Marcellus who I first met when he was being bullied by some white boy because at the time people of his skin color were seen as slaves.

It was like I was looking at my younger self being beaten by Mikael and so I killed the little boy and taught Marcellus to stand up for himself while adopting him but sadly had to leave him after my father caught wind of where we were.

I thought with my upbringing of not having a good parent how will I be a good one for my child. I was in denial and I admit I didn't mean to tell her to kill the fetus but then I thought I'll care for him/ her when they grow up and give them the life I never had and so I bought parenting books and all the stuff about babies so I would be prepared but she took that chance from me and killed my child to show me how a monster like myself don't deserve happiness.

I tried to make things right so instead of daggering my remaining siblings, I let them live their lives and I visited the tomb with Kol's ashes where I talk to him hoping he would hear me from other side about how I failed him as a brother.

Then one day while I was clearing my head I bumped into the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and it upset me when I saw that she was crying and well this was before Hayley killed my child. I eventually got the courage to ask the wonderful girl whose name is Ophelia on a date. I tried to be Niklaus and not Klaus when I'm with her because I thought she would leave me like Aurora did but to my shock she knew who I was and she still stayed.

When I found out she was pregnant I was upset that another guy got her pregnant but then I decided that I didn't care because if getting her meant getting the baby as well then I was up for it I mean I already have the books so I'll put them to use. I even got more on how to react to cravings etc. I was even happier when I found out that the baby in her was mine, the one Hayley tried to kill but failed.

I made it my mission to get her everything she craved no matter the time of day and so that was what I was doing. At this time Ophelia likes to eat ice cream from her favorite patisserie shop and so I got it along with a milkshake and three croissants and a parfait. I was heading towards the compound when my phone started to ring.

"Well hello Marcel how is Ophelia I'm coming with ice cream as I know she craves it around this time of the day," I said with a grin.

"We have a problem," he replied.

"I'm on my way," I said now serious and without hesitation rushed towards the compound hoping the food is in one piece and not spilled.

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