Chapter 22

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The sound of a baby crying could he heard as the witches had just forced the princess of New Orleans into labor before taking her child and slitting her throat as she laid dead on the alter of the church.

"Take her quick before the hybrid wakes up," commanded a witch as she handed the bloody baby to another witch as Niklaus laid a few feet from them unconscious from having his neck snapped after watching them kill the mother of his child after taking his baby girl out.


It's been a few months since the witches had tried to kill the baby that is inside poor Ophelia. The young curly haired brunette now feared for the life of her unborn babe that didn't hesitate to kick to reassure its mother that it was alive.

After Davina used the dark objects to get rid of the spell casted by Agnes to cause Ophelia to miscarry, the harvest witch kept her distance but decided to read through Esther's grimoires to find a way in which she can protect both Ophelia and her unborn child.

Klaus who was angry about what the witches did decided to do a man hunt and kill the few witches he found while Elijah directly found Agnes along with Marcel and ripped the woman's heart out of her body for messing with the Mikaelson family. Since then it's been pretty obvious to everyone Elijah's feelings towards the princess of New Orleans much to Klaus' dislike however Ophelia did not speak to the noble original about it as she was rather focus more on her child and Klaus.

Rebekah deep down still disliked the girl because she thought that even though she's with Niklaus, she's also stringing Elijah on and Rebekah didn't want her brothers fighting over another girl worse one carrying her niece or nephew. The girl also found it strange that they have not heard from Hayley but thought it was a good thing that she's gone as they have less problems now.

Currently only Ophelia and Dwayne were on the compound as Marcel and Elijah were helping Davina find the spell she needed and Klaus was on the run getting Ophelia her craving food. The sired hybrids were all at the dance school as they decided to put together something special for when their Luna gives birth to their future alpha. Everyone's really excited except while said mother was lying in the couch at home bored.

"Dwayne can't we do something fun?" Ophelia whined.

"Fun like what ?" Dwayne asked.

"I don't know let's play a game," she suggested.

"How about we play Monopoly," he suggested.

She hummed in agreement as Dwayne went for the board game and step up everything in front of them. Ten minutes into the game and Dwayne owned six properties already and was cashing in because due to bad luck Ophelia always landed on his properties so she had to pay up.

"This is unfair you're cheating," she shouted.

"It's not my fault you suck," he said between laughs.

"Well at least you swallow," she retorted only for him to look at her shocked before laughing hard.

Not liking his teasing, Ophelia grabbed the pillow close to her and threw it at him saying it's not funny but this only caused the hybrid to laugh harder at her as she felt her baby kick.

"My sire thinks it's funny as well," said Dwayne.

"Well your sire should hurry up and come out," she replied only to feel another kick.

Their harmonious moment was interrupted when Dwayne suddenly fell to the ground holding his head and Ophelia being knocked unconscious as ten witches entered the compound and took the pregnant female.

Ophelia woke up to see that she was in front of a church. She saw two women talking and decided to try and sneak away but she was caught. They approached her but she grabbed a knife from out of her shirt and attacked them killing one of the witches when she suddenly fell on the ground screaming. She looked up to see a red haired woman looking down at her before she used her magic on Ophelia causing her to scream out more but she was shocked as the pregnant girl shouldn't be in so much pain.

"Take her inside," Genevieve ordered the men as they hauled and pulled the screaming Ophelia inside the church before bringing her to the alter.

"Please let me go," Ophelia begged as she continued to scream in pain and water flowing from her leg.

"We should take her to the city of the dead what are we doing here?" asked Monique.

"We have no time the baby is coming," said Genevieve.

"No it's too early," said Ophelia before letting out a scream.

"Apparently not," replied Genevieve as she went to Ophelia only to be stopped by Monique.

"But what about preparing for the sacrifice? What caused her to go into labor?" Monique asked.

"I don't know what happened I only used a little magic on her then she started screaming and now the baby's coming," replied Genevieve.

"You need to be calm," she said to Ophelia.

"Be calm? You fucking kidnapped me and now my baby is coming so excuse me for not being fucking calm," shouted Ophelia in anger as tears started to fall from her eyes. She suddenly realized that she's about to give birth on a dirty floor without her father and Klaus.

"Why are you doing this to me? I never did anything to you witches," Ophelia cried as they began to hold her down and remove her pants.

"To be born in a sacrifice," Monique replied.

"What does that mean?" she asked.

"The ancestors demand an offering in exchange for more power," replied Genevieve.

"Your baby will make an amazing sacrifice," Monique added causing Ophelia to scream out no and cry out.

Klaus who was on his way to the compound heard her cries and in shock dropped the tub of ice cream on the ground. He tried to call the compound but no one was answering so he rushed only to see an unconscious Dwayne and no Ophelia.

He ran to where he heard the screams when he entered a church only to see Ophelia surrounded by witches while giving birth. He killed two of the witches while Genevieve and Monique used their powers against him so he wouldn't interrupt. Klaus could only stare in disbelief as Ophelia cried before finding pushing out their baby.

"It's a girl," said Monique as she smiled and handed the baby to Ophelia.

The girl cried as she looked at her baby only to feel more pain she turned and saw Klaus crying looking at her only for the next minute her throat to be slit open by Monique and her dying instantly as the baby cried.

"OPHELIA," Klaus shouted as he tried to break through the spell only for Genevieve to walk up to him and say, "Abominations like you don't deserve happiness."

She then snapped his neck and allowed his body to fall to the ground as Monique handed her the crying baby and they left ready to start their sacrifice with the demon child.

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