Chapter 10

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The Mardi Gras ended later in the night as people enjoyed the festivities but no one could stop thinking about the young dancer who was rushed away after fainting when her performance ended. Marcel kept pacing up and down worrying about his daughter who was lying in bed with a fever. He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of his phone ringing causing him to take it out of his pocket and saw that it was Davina calling him.

"Marcel," the young witch called out.

"Is everything ok Davina?" He asked sending her worry.

"A witch performed a very powerful spell last night and I tried to call you but I couldn't get you,"she responded worriedly.

"Oh Ophelia suddenly fainted last night so I was taking care of her," he replied.

"Oh," she said not hiding her disgust.

"Stop it Davina,"said Marcel in anger.

"I don't care if you don't like it but she's my daughter and if you disrespect her in any way I won't hesitate to rip your heart out," he added.

"Fine," she reluctantly replied.

"Send me the location of where the spell took place,"he said before finally hanging up as he saw the doctor come down the stairs.

"How is she doc?" He asked.

"Well she fainted due to exhaustion so I suggest a few days of rest, to eat more and drink plenty of water. Here's a prescription for tablets she'll need in case there's any headache," replied the doctor as he handed the vampire the paper before saying goodbye.

Things were quiet in the compound as Marcel sent Thierry to gather a few of the men to head to the location of the witch while he decided to head down to the bar for a drink. He wrote a note in case his daughter woke up not seeing him before using his vampire speed and left.

While things were quiet for Marcel, the same could not be said for the Mikaelsons as the pregnant hybrid Hayley Marshall woke up to get something to eat as she rubbed her little baby bump thinking about how she tried to kill her unborn child.

She began humming all the way to the kitchen when she was intercepted by Rebekah who looked at the brunette who was carrying her niece or nephew. She looked at the girl's tummy then back at her when she suddenly dropped her cup in shock as it broke into pieces.

"Tell me you didn't," she said as tears began to develop at her eyes.

She ran up to the girl and placed her head on the bump before stepping back in shock when she realized she no longer heard a heartbeat. Realizing what the original was insinuating Hayley hurriedly defended herself by saying, "Are you crazy I would never kill my child."

Rebekah tried and tried but to no avail she couldn't hear a second heartbeat coming from the girl as tears ran down her eyes. She felt hurt as she knew that her greatest wish was to have a child but couldn't due to being a vampire and this girl was blessed with one even though she's a hybrid only for her to abort the unborn child. Rebekah didn't say anything as she walked away passing her two brothers who gave a questioned look seeing their sister cry.

Niklaus and Elijah were talking about a way to deal with Marcel to get back their rule of New Orleans when they decided to go into the kitchen. Upon arrival, they saw the mess of broken glasses on the ground. Klaus looked at the hybrid who stood in front of him with fear in her eyes as she kept saying she's sorry.

"Miss Marshall I don't think you did anything to be apologizing for," said Elijah reassuringly however Klaus kept staring at the girl as she held her stomach in fright when he suddenly realized he was only hearing one heartbeat coming from the girl which shocked him.

"What did you do to my child?" he asked.

"What do you mean Niklaus?" Elijah questioned his brother.

"Listen," he replied as the noble original looked at the female hybrid only to realize that he's not hearing the heartbeat of his niece.

"Hayley what did you do to my child," Niklaus asked again now angry as he marched towards the girl and grabbed her by the neck and slamming her into the wall as his hybrid face came out scaring the girl even more than she was before.

"Now Niklaus calm down," urged Elijah.

"Brother she killed my child. Am I that awful that you thought the best way to save our child from me is it kill her? Even monsters allow their children to live so what about me," said Klaus as he showed his emotions as tears fell from his eyes.

He knew if he didn't let the female go he'd snap her neck but he decided to do the humane thing and throw her across the room into the glass coffee table which broke due on impact. Klaus couldn't handle it anymore and so he left he thought maybe if he saw Ophelia again he'll feel better so went towards the dance academy.

Meanwhile in a bar down by the french quarter sat the king of New Orleans Marcel Gerard drinking a glass of bourbon as he thought about his daughter. He just got a call from Katie that she woke up and tried to move around but after being told against it Ophelia wouldn't listen until Katie called Marcel who told her to stay in bed which she reluctantly agreed to after being promised two buckets of cookie dough ice cream.

Rebekah walked into the establishment and saw the vampire who she had feelings for and decided to approach him.

"Well if it isn't Marcel," she said as she walked slowly towards the self proclaimed king.

"What a surprise to meet the notorious Rebekah Mikaelson," he said as he turned to face the female original. "To what do I owe the pleasure of being graced by your stunning presence?"

"I just really need a drink," she said as she sat beside the male and took a sip of his drink before giving him a smile.

"Let's drink together then," he suggested as he ordered another round for himself and the lovely blonde.

A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter.

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