Chapter 14

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Marcel's compound was now filled with chaos as not only has Thierry been vomiting out blood because of the werewolf bite but his now pregnant daughter kept pestering him to go to Klaus and ask for cure but he kept refusing as he didn't want her or his grandchild in danger.

"For the last time I said no," shouted a now annoyed Marcel as he stood in his office thinking of a plan.

"Dad you know I have a better chance of getting the cure from him than you," argued Ophelia.

"Yes I'm well aware of you and my sire's crush on each other but I won't have it. He's the enemy and could get you killed," said Marcel.

"Aside from learning about you and his hatred against each other he hasn't done anything to hurt me," she reassured her dad but he wouldn't budge.

"No means no Ophelia," shouted Marcel as his vampire face appeared.

Ophelia stood there shocked as her dad called her by her full name which rarely happens. She knew he was angry but she too was angry that he wouldn't put away his pride to try to save her uncle.

"I hate you," she said before running away to the room where Thierry was resting in.

She saw the other vampires surrounding Thierry's unconscious body as he was sweating profusely as they wiped him down. Tears fell from her eyes at the sight of him as she walked up to him and grabbed his hand giving it a light squeeze.

"I'll get the cure I promise," she whispered before leaving.

As she was about to leave she came across her father but she didn't say anything as she kept her head straight and walked out of the compound. Marcel tried to stop her but she only shrugged him off and left.

Meanwhile at the Mikaelson compound Elijah was drinking with his brother and ranting about his poor choice in women.

"You have horrible taste in women," said Elijah.

"Your one to talk," said Klaus.

"The one girl who got pregnant for you killed your child out of revenge and now your in love with one whose father turned out to be a vampire you turned and is at war with yep terrible taste in women," said Elijah as he sipped some of the blood out of the glass.

"Hailey was a one night stand to relieve urges and I genuinely care about Ophelia and if she allows it I'd be willing to be there for not only her but her child," he replied.

"Oh so your willing to be the father of someone's child?" asked Rebekah in disgust as she suddenly appeared with Hailey trailing behind her.

"I am in love with Ophelia and if being a father for her unborn child is a necessity to be with her then I will. I'll give her and the child a good life and be a better father than Mikael ever was," he said with determination that not  only shocked everyone in the room but also the human who was standing at the door.

"Someone's got daddy issues," Hailey commented.

"Atleast he has a family," rebutted Ophelia as everyone notice her presence.

"Ophelia love what are you doing here?" Klaus asked as he approached the girl but stopped in shocked as he eyed her small protruding belly.

His hybrid face appeared causing Elijah to run up to his brother and attempt to calm him down and ask what's wrong.

"Her baby," he started but was interrupted by an angry Hailey.

"You mean my baby. This bitch took my baby and is carrying her," snarled Hailey as she was about to attack the pregnant girl but was blocked by Klaus who rushed to Ophelia and held her protectively.

"How is that possible," Rebekah asked.

"I don't know but I can smell my scent and Hailey's on her but it's changing," answered Klaus as he struggled between keeping his hybrid face and normal one.

"I'm sorry love," he said to Ophelia.

"What do you mean," she asked when he suddenly brought his face to the crook of her neck and breathe in her scent.

"Nik as much as I love that I'm in your arms I'm still mad at you for hurting my uncle so please can I have the cure?" she asked.

"Of course love if I get bring you on a date afterwards," he bargained.

Not waiting on a reply Klaus lifted the girl into his arms and vamp sped away.

Hailey was not happy at all as she threw the nearest thing beside my her almost missing Rebekah's head.

"Bitch I will knock you the fuck out don't mess with me," warned Rebekah as she vamp sped towards the werewolf holding her by her throat before releasing her.

"That slut took my baby from me," shouted Hailey throwing a vase on the ground smashing it.

"Miss Marshall those vases are worth more than your life so please don't smash anymore," said Elijah as he looked at the girl amused.

Marcel stood near Thierry's body as the waited for his friend to wake up as he slowly opened his eyes.

"I am sorry for failing you my sire," said Thierry.

"None of that Thierry you've been my best friend since forever and your also the uncle of my little girl so you won't die," said Marcel as tears ran down his face.

"Marcel everyone has to die at some point and sadly it's my time once again," he smiled through tears.

"I'll hand over New Orleans and beg Klaus for the cure," said Marcel has he turned ready to leave when Klaus appeared while holding his daughter.

"That is not needed Marcellus, you may continue to be the king of New Orleans," he replied.

"What's the catch," Marcel asked suspiciously.

"All I ask for is your permission to court dear Ophelia here," Klaus replied.

"Why are you asking for permission?" Ophelia asked as she tried to get out of Klaus' arms but he wouldn't let her go.

"I am a traditional man and I have to seek permission from the girl I'm on love with's parent to court her so when I propose it won't be a shock to anyone," he replied shocking everyone.

He then reluctantly placed Ophelia down before grabbing the glass on the table and a knife before cutting his hand and allowing the blood to fall into the cup.

Handing the cup to Marcel he said, "Feed him this and he'll be okay."

He then turned to Thierry and said, "I am sorry for biting you since your someone important to Ophelia."

"And if I wasn't ?" Theirry asked while in pain.

"Then I would of let you die," Klaus answered simply only to receive a hit on the back of his head by Ophelia.

"Love only you would hit the notorious original hybrid and live to tell the tale," said Klaus with a smirk.

"Well I bid you goodbye," he said taking Ophelia into his hand once again.

"And where are you taking my daughter?" Marcel asked.

"On a date," he replied then vamp sped away before Marcel could object.

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