3. Gay

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*At the nurse's office*

Saihara heard a voice. It seemed to be far away and close at the same time. His eyes fluttered open to see a pair of lavender eyes staring back at him. 

"Morning, sleepyheeeead!"

Saihara smiled and wrapped his arms around his lover. "Oh, dear, I'm getting deja vu."

Oma laughed. They had been dating for a while back in the Ultimate Academy. No one really noticed, and they were fine with that. Oma thought it would be a hassle to explain that they were gay, and he didn't want Saihara to have a bad rep.

Saihara ran his fingers through Oma's purple hair and kissed his forehead. "Where are we, anyways?"

"We're on an alien planet, Shumai!"

"...I'm guessing that's a lie."

"Right you are, my beloved detective~"

"Okay, Oma. Where are we really?"

Oma sat up and pointed his finger to his mouth. "Hmmm, it's hard to explain."

"I'll do the explaining." A man in all black approached them.

"Oh, that's Aizawa-chan. He's a meanie."

"Ah, I'm Shuichi Saihara. Nice to meet you." 

"You're much more polite than your friend here, he didn't even give me his name."

"I didn't know you! I still don't know you!" Oma defended himself.

Saihara gave his boyfriend a small smile. "You've always been so distrustful, love. We have to work on that."

"Whaaaat? It's not like not trusting people is bad. I won't ever get fooled by anyone!"

"...We'll talk about this later." Saihara turned to "Aizawa-chan", as Oma called him. "Where exactly are we?"

"Well, you might want to prepare yourself."

"I'm sure I can handle it."

"The most likely theory right now is that you're in another dimension."


Aizawa explained all that he knew about the situation. As he did, Saihara's face contorted with confusion.

"So, basically, I'm very far from home." Saihara summed up.


"Shumai!" Oma started. "In this dimension, people have a thing called a quirk and it's basically a superpower and they do cool things with it! I met someone who could control fire! Unfortunately, he didn't want to burn down a Dollar General with me, so that's lame."

"Oh, isn't that wonderful..." Saihara said with sarcasm. 

"Anyways, I'm sleepy. Wanna take a nap, Shumai?"

"Oh, no you don't." Aizawa said. "Until we know more about the situation, we have to stay close. We don't know if this is the work of a villain yet."

"Villain?" Saihara asked.

Oma sighed. "Yeah, they've got some big thing about using quirks for good and bad. The bad guys are called villains and the good guys get paid to stop em. They have to go to school for it and get a license or degree or something before they can be a hero though. That's where we are."

"Oh...that makes sense."

"Yeah, but it's soooo lame that you have to go to school for a hero license when villains don't have to go to school. Can't imagine how frustrating it would be to go to a special school and get a fancy title while other people are surviving fine and dandy without all that...especially if it puts you in danger."

Saihara stared at Oma for a moment. "Oma-kun, don't joke like that."

"What do you mean?" Aizawa said, scanning the two.

"Oh, nothing~" Oma replied with a sing-song tone.

He hasn't told them yet? Saihara thought to himself. "Anyways, for now, where will we go?"

Aizawa sighed. "Well, I talked it over with the teachers, and they think I should keep you guys in my classroom for now. You guys can hang out with my class. What grade are you guys in?"

"We're both freshman." Saihara said. 

"Fantastic." The sarcasm in Aizawa's voice could be heard from a mile away.

Oma groaned and got up. "Great, so we get to sit in a classroom and do nothing."

"Ah, well. It might be a bit...different than what we're used to, but it'll be fun." Saihara said.

"No it won't! It'll be booooorriiiiiiinngg!" Oma whined, earning a small glare from Saihara.

"Thank you very much, Aizawa was it?" 

"Yes. Follow me to my class."

The two young boys got up and followed closely behind Aizawa, who wasn't excited about having two new students.

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